After Esther and Anna’s ill-fated quest for vegan snacks, the two staff writers got together to eat their way to a vegan salvation.
First, there were vegan Fridays, and now there’s a new plant-based program coming New York’s way!
I’m reviewing the quarantine meals so that you (hopefully) don’t have to.
Only one more day to claim your valentines, Columbia! That’s right. It’s February 13th. And if you’re still desperate for a date tomorrow night, you’ve come to the ideal one stop shop. These two fellas are funny, kind, and oh so sexy. Hit us up at and we can set you up. Name, Year, […]
Tonight, like every Tuesday, Bhakti Club will be hosting a free cooking demonstration and vegan dinner starting at 6:30 in the Lerner Broadway Room. It’s been described as “huge and yummy” and tupperware is allowed for maximum midnight snacking potential. The Best Food Group via Wikimedia Commons
Yet another delectable option is now available to you in Butler cafe. As well as the last of the Easter-themed treats on display, one can now also pick from a selection of instant vegan meals including Rice Pilaf and Curry. Proof the Dadaists have won: the vegan rice pilaf is chicken-flavored, and, you know, there’s […]
Real fish. Or is it? Recently, members of Columbia’s staunch vegan community have accused John Jay of mislabeling non-vegan food with the “VN” stamp. Specifically, students have reported suspicions that the vegan-labeled eggplant parmesan and the turkey burger plates just plain can’t be. Vicki Dunn, Director of Columbia Dining Services, responded immediately to pacify students. […]
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