Bwog’s new Thursday feature, Where Art Thou?, is here to keep you posted on what’s going on in the A&E department in Morningside Heights and beyond. If you’d like your new play of episodic dialogues relating to penises listed, email us as Athena Film Festival, starting tonight at 7 p.m. and running through February 13 […]
Bwog’s Color Wheel Checker Rebecca Newman reports from Glass House Rocks, Columbia’s closest approximation of a middle school dance. Lerner Hall was turned into a veritable jukebox last night in tune with this year’s theme for the annual Glass House Rocks party, Glass House Rocks and Rolls. If you didn’t already know the theme, the […]
Bwog daily editor Chloe Eichler toured last night’s Glass House Rocks so you didn’t have to. After the fire alarms were shut off and the festivities ended, she filed this report. The theme of this year’s Glass House Rocks was “The Time Machine,” and the first sight to behold upon entering Lerner was a table […]
Glass House Rocks, the one event of the year during which all the diagonal walkways in Lerner have a purpose, starts in three hours. The theme is “time machine.” Make sure to go over and take advantage of the oodles of free food and t-shirts. While you’re waiting, check out this dance battle video from […]
Tuesday was super. The Glass House rocked, didn’t rock. Elementary schoolers were adorable. Religion and politics didn’t mix. A Columbia sports team actually won a game… … even though Coach Joe Jones was splitting his time between the court and his on-the-side puppy transport business. This one is maybe not so obvious.
In which Bwog daily editor Alexandra Muhler examines whether enormous infusions of the administration’s money can make a Thursday night on campus enjoyable. The crowds were thick at Lerner tonight for an event excessively fond of wink-wink references to wink-wink cultural icons (event t-shirts had “Glass House Rocks” on the front and “Best Thursday Ever” […]
An anonymous tipster let Bwog know that the rock bands scheduled at everyone’s favorite ramped building will not be playing “for security reasons.” The bands that Bwog knows were nixed include Beta Theta Pi’s The Stolen Cars, jazz/metal Columbia band Wizards of the Coast and Bowie-imitating Brooklyn rockers Dasher. Bwog is disappointed that we will […]
Last night, the ESC and their political colleagues assembled for its second formal meeting of the semester. Policy, Glass House Rocks, and mystery were aplenty. Bwogger Tony Gong reports. The meeting began unremarkably as several representatives of outside groups began to brag about all the things they had done. First up was the CC ’09 […]
The 2006-07 school year has contained multitudes. In fact, it may just be the most eventful year Columbia’s had since… well, the year before. Remember Matthew Fox? The Chung-Diamond “scandal”? “Don’t Be a Pussy”? “Epilogue to Our Crime & Punishment: A Petition“? Bwog certainly does, so step into the Wayback machine – you’re about to […]
For those of you who rocked Glass House Rocks on Thursday night, perhaps we can admit that, for once, Lerner couldn’t have been put to better purpose. If you were fortunate enough to show up in the earlier half, food was (for the time being) in great abundance – some of the delights included international […]
Glass House Rocks starts in ONE HOUR. Get there soon before the PILES and PILES of FREE FOOD run out…like they did last year. Also make sure to check out ballroom dancing lessons, the Gay Marriage (Dems), Date That Dictator / Hit That Head of State (Model UN), Sex and Chocolate (ALICE! and the PanHellenic […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025