Eschewing the celebration of Halloween. It might be an unpopular opinion, but it’s an important one (arguably, even, the moral one). Bwog staffer Phoebe Newton bravely faces capitalism and the masses to stand up for what she believes in–what is truly right–the eradication of Halloween. Of course I hate Halloween. I can understand the overwhelming […]
Can you handle today’s scary story, written by Daily Editor Betsy? Have a nightlight and a happy puppy video at the ready, ’cause you may not be able to sleep after this one. The sky is dark when you step out of Butler late one night. Buildings are dark, trees are dark – as though […]
John Carpenters’ famous movie Halloween will be screening in theaters later this month – but not on the date you’d expect. The screenings will take place on October 29th, in between the anniversary of the movie’s release date (October 25th) and the actual holiday. (Entertainment Weekly) The recent elections for CC and SEAS class council […]
Halloweekend is right around the corner and if you’re planning on taking home the grand prize in our costume contest, you had better start brainstorming. Thank goodness Queen of Halloween Claire Friedman has you covered with Columbia-themed costume ideas coming at you all week! Today, she’s got step-by-step instructions on how to transform yourself into a […]
It’s Halloween! The most frightful part this holiday is not the ghosts and ghouls. No, the scariest aspect is the ritual where it’s perfectly acceptable to wear nearly nothing and dress like a pimp or a ho. To build up your courage to wear the itchy, or slutty, costume you’ve chosen for the party circuit, […]
Everyone talks about that Juilliard-Columbia Exchange student who died in his 13th hour of practicing on Halloween night many moons ago. But no one had seen his ghost before Sarah Faith Thompson ventured down to the Schapiro basement a few nights ago. I wander through Schapiro’s recently-renovated lobby, headphones on, and head down the stairs […]
An upstanding tipster has just informed us of a ruthless pumpkin-smashing incident that took place today in the center of our very own campus. In what kind of contemptible society does a kindhearted young man’s attempt at spreading Halloween cheer end in such a heartless act? Read below the harrowing tale. Dear Bwog, I […]
Halloween just so happens to be this Thursday which means Halloween parties all weekend so Bwog went to Butler tonight to see what all you ghost and ghouls are dressing up as for Halloween. Y’all are spooky. Second Floor I haven’t thought about it because I have a paper due Thursday! A priest A devil, […]
Armed with camera and a friend, Bwog visited Ricky’s NYC this week to explore all they have to offer this Halloween — costumes, wigs, false eyelashes, masks, fishnets, suspenders. Merely a salon and beauty supply store eleven months of the year, October brings out the best (and/or worst, most disturbing, most sexual) in Ricky’s.
It appears as if Halloween season is upon us, as evidenced by Morton Williams:
Bwog’s pumpkin carving Halloween contest is in high gear, and it appears that Columbia is home to some fine artists. The prizes for first, second, and third place for each contest are two sixers, a slice of Koronet’s pizza, and a cup of Butler Café coffee, respectively. Submissions are due tomorrow night before the clock […]
Many of you guys have already been submitting your creative, sexy, funny, and scary costumes for Bwog’s Halloween costume contest. Entries to aren’t due until tomorrow at 11:59 pm, so you still have time to impress us. Here are your latest pictures.
This Halloween comes bearing news of more destruction and sadness in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Our friends at NYU, many without power, are faced with evacuating their dorms and will not have class for the remainder of the week. (NYU Local) For a more global perspective, 70 people in the Caribbean died in the storm, […]
It’s that time of year again, when we all dress up as our favorite characters/memes/concepts and brown out in a toga eat candy and have fun! To commemorate, Bwog is holding its two traditional contests: the costume contest and the pumpkin carving contest. Just take a picture of your costume/pumpkin you make and send it to […]
Bwog stopped by a ransacked Ricky’s to chat with the assistant manager, Jorge Artiva, about naked pirates and other things that made us slightly uncomfortable. In case you’re curious, the zombie costume was the most popular (but was it as good as this one?!) and the Lone Ranger was left, well, alone. Bwog: So what’s […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025