The second edition of The Encyclopedia of New York City, edited by Columbia’s own NYC expert Professor Kenneth Jackson, is now available. (ABC News) MySpace “surrenders”‘ to Facebook and announces future “integrations” between users’ MySpace and Facebook accounts. (TechCrunch) Vuvuzelas banned at the annual Harvard-Yale football game. (NY Daily News) With Pluto now merely a memory, […]
Mel’s Burger Bar is coming along quite nicely. And more Morningside dining news: Kuti’s, a new takeout store on 116th between Morningside and Manhattan Avenues, just got a good review from the Times. Bwog sampled the shrimp piri-piri and it is delicious, and just $7 for a plate of shrimp and two sides. Most dishes […]
With the news that Columbia will be permanently adding 50 students to the College, Bwog has been wondering where, exactly, they’ll be putting everyone. Last week, Columbia announced that a new brownstone will be available for undergraduate suite selection this year. 548 W. 113th Street is a cozy, eight-room building nestled between the sororities and […]
Barnard’s brand new student center, the Vagelos Center aka the Diana aka the Nexus aka the Vag, is open and ready for business as of yesterday. Hey, ‘Vag’ sounds like ‘vagina’. Weird! The Diana is shiny, new and streamlined. It is much, much nicer than Lerner. The Vag’s first patrons seemed excited about their new […]
Dear readers, As you may have noticed over the weekend, Bwog has received several much-needed upgrades to its publishing software. The renovations will allow us more flexibility in the site’s configuration as well as increase Bwog’s compatibility with third-party applications and search engines. Things you’ll particularly notice: Google Reader and RSS feeds will no longer […]
This evening, mere hours before lottery numbers are due to be posted online tomorrow, Columbia Undergraduate Housing threw us for another loop: there’s a new dorm! Cozily-named Harmony Hall will be available for the 2009-2010 room selection process and offers eight floors of freshly renovated off-campus-esque housing. Harmony is located at 544 W. 110th Street […]
CityRoom has a snazzy slideshow thing depicting the excitement surrouning the “topping off” of the new Interdisciplinary Science Building, located on 120th and Broadway. Look: there is Future You, in the library — exactly as you are right now. Comforting, kind of.
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025