You may have heard about Twitch Plays Pokémon, the collaborative dream to beat Pokémon Red with millions playing from all over the world. About a month ago, Patrick Facheris, CC ’15, and Catherine Moresco, UChicago, too had a vision of beating the Elite Four. Like many before them, they set out on their quest to be the very best. But there’s […]
Enjoy one of the last nights of the semester by listening to live music from campus and local bands! Tonight, starting at 9pm, bands such as Phonoscenes, Standard Delivery, XD7 and then a special performance by DJ set by WaMoo Papez to finish the night off. Tickets are $5 and all the proceeds from this […]
Today from 6 PM to 11:30 PM 534 W. 114th Street, Kappa Alpha Theta will give you a midnight breakfast for $7. Since proceeds go to a good cause, namely Court Appointed Special Advocates, Bwog will ignore the fact that the midnight breakfast is not actually being held at midnight. Here’s the presser they sent: […]
Recently, Bwog asked for the weirdest things people have stolen from the dining halls. Here are some of the responses! The hoarders: “Through Pavlovian psychology, I’ve trained the freshman in my suite in Hartley to steal fruit daily” “I saw a girl (who may or may not have been my roommate) fill several 1-liter plastic bottles […]
So your parents are sticking around the city for an extra day, and you need a nice restaurant to take them to that isn’t too far out of the Morningside bubble; or perhaps you’ve met a cutie, and you want to seal the deal with a romantic date at a campus hot spot. Fear not, […]
Residential Programs has organized a Food Truck rally for the next couple of days! Starting today, from 12-2 on College Walk, there will be two different food trucks to offer you a break from whatever depressing dining hall food/instant ramen you’ve been subsisting on. Today’s food trucks are GoBurger, a burger truck (with vegetarian options […]
Whether you’re boycotting the meal plan or boycotting Milano, Morningside offers a plethora of inexpensive dining options to try before you come to the last resort of, you know, actually cooking. Here’s a roundup of some staff favorites– add your tips in the comments! Breakfast: $3.75 for a large coffee and ham, egg, and cheese […]
In an effort to be of continual service to the Columbia community—and to avoid our collective mound of work—Bwog brings you a series of narrative reviews for the questionably labeled baked goods available at your favorite only Butler dining option: Butler Cafe. (Daniel’s?) Swirled (Cheesecake?) Brownie None of these 1970s Japanese studies are showing up on […]
A couple savvy t/hipsters frequenting Schermerhorn have noticed an array of large tents in front of Fayerweather. Is it free food? Is it a wedding? No, reply maintenance workers. It’s THE END OF THE WORLD. Or, the end of college for you 2012ers. Apparently, post-graduation snackies will happen out here. Update 12:37: Cardomat cares too!
We are reminded once again that our beloved campus bird of prey is not alone in the big city. The Times answers “your” questions about hawks in Manhattan. (NY Times) Don’t get too attached to the comforts of your subculture; hipsters won’t last forever. (Flavorwire) Rick Santorum, the anti-cajun, bonds with Louisiana primary voters, and […]
Do you recall that NYPD monitoring of Muslim student groups at area universities was kind of a big deal? It still is, and your peers are quoted attesting to that! (Associated Press) You can expect some much-needed additional fallout from the New York Post’s attempt to report on the situation in the form of an […]
On one blustery winter evening each year, (read: tonight at 7 pm), the Asian American Alliance (AAA) hosts cultureSHOCK in Lerner to showcase Asian American performance, fashion, and FOOD from groups across the Columbia community. In an attempt to answer the clearly rhetorical questions on the event’s Facebook page, Bwog’s resident expert on both Asia […]
Today, a few intrepid Columbia students unsatisfied by ethnically ambiguous dining hall offerings ventured into Hamilton 702 with open minds and empty stomachs for the supposed first lecture of a course entitled “Masterpieces of Western Food.” While immediately put off by the alarming lack of snacks, this audacious reporter stuck it out, for reasons of journalistic […]
A tipster has just sent in this picture of a group of chairs outside Artopolis (114th and Amsterdam for you non-crêpe lovers) which, according to a sign taped up behind them, are free for the taking! Sure, it’s no IKEA, but at least they won’t scare the crap out of you like the half-reclining chairs […]
For the second day in a row, famed NYC food trucks will continue their occupation of College Walk, courtesy of Columbia Cheatsheet and Bacchanal. Today’s on-the-go menu will feature drool-worthy offerings from the GO Burger Truck and the Treats Truck (we hear their Mexican chocolate is pretty delicious). They’ll be stationed there from 12 to 4 pm, so scurry on over […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025