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Posts Tagged with "original photos"

Look out, sea turtles: scores of purple balloons are dotting campus to advertise tonight’s Lunar Gala in Lerner. The airway-obstructing rubber orbs, scattered about like eggs from Alien, are inviting the curiosity of students, and those balloons that have not been popped (preferred method: a quick thrust of a mechanical pencil tip) bear the insignia of […]

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Bwog scavenger Eliza Shapiro spotted an interesting pair of discarded packets outside of John Jay last night: That makes three warning labels ignored. 

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Return to Warmth

The official Bwog weather indicator currently reads 59 degrees, and students have certainly been taking advantage of the temperature spike. The forecast says New York’s back into the 40s after today, so enjoy the sun now! – Photo by LBD

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Bwog receives a lot of emails. Still, even Gmailers as jaded as we were curious about the following anonymous correspondence, the subject line of which was “giant vagina in carman elevator! 2:30ish am, Dec 1”  We were hoping there would be an explanatory picture, and oh, was there ever.  No further context was provided, and […]

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Avian tipster extraordinaire Courtney Douds has sent along the following absolutely insane photos of your Hawkmadeinjad ruthlessly tearing into her* prey outside Math today.  * Douds also points out that “this red-tail is of a size that makes her more likely to be female, since female raptors tend to be about a third larger than […]

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Columbia is Pretty!

Remember how this weekend was all balmy and lovely? Are you loving today’s ultra-freeze? The winter season seems to be in full swing, but campus is a little behind. Behold Liz Naiden’s montage of delightful fall foliage after the jump. If you’d like to submit a photo essay, we’d love to publish it! Send photography […]

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Hawkmadinejad has decided to become more camera-friendly – photographer Samantha Greenberg brings us some photos from outside Earl Hall. More after the jump.

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Intrepid photographer/Columbia Dem Nancy Huemer took about a thousand photos down in Virginia. She sent along her favorites from the trip, presented in chronological order (and with silly captions). The van considers a stop at the local Cracker Barrel.   Judy Feder introduces herself through “large-hand” gesticulation.

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Bwog received the following photos of CNN’s fancy Everyone-But-CC Party in Times Sq.   Another shot from photojournalist Huei Ong after the jump.

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Good afternoon! My, it is raining quite consistently today. So, we’re inviting all amateur photographers, no matter just how amateur, to take some photos of the weather and its effects. Send us pictures of puddles, colorful umbrellas, children in galoshes (especially children in galoshes), etc. and we’ll add them to this post.    Hawk photos […]

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Oh, good morning! Look, it’s the Columbia men’s swim team, doing their part to give prospective students the Best. College. Tour. Ever. More photos — because look who’s suddenly so interested in Columbia athletics! — after the jump.

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Photos of the Day

Today, we received many outstanding photographs of various things like David Gergen and cops on the roof of Butler and Joe Biden befriending a small child on a bicycle. Here is a collection of the day’s special moments. Plus a bonus PhotoShop Contest after the jump! Photo by Jon Hill

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Unsure of how to entertain your parents in New York this weekend? Bwog staffer Mariela Quintana suggests Casa Italiana, where you can put your Art Hum skills to use.  Between the dank Amsterdam overpass and SIPA’s bleak backside, stands the alabaster Casa Italiana, home of the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America. With an […]

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Pillow Fight!

  Tonight marked the 3rd Annual Pillow Fight/Primal Scream. Not that we needed to tell you that; anyone who wasn’t getting a good night’s rest before a final (ha!) or listening to very loud music probably just heard about 25 straight minutes of screaming emanating from South Lawn. The be-pillowed masses started to gather at […]

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It’s the first real street fair of the season! The east side of Broadway is fenced off to make way for crepe-making, halal, carnival games, and the highest concentration of tie-dyed sweatshirts we’ve ever seen. Bwog took to the streets with a camera to capture the springtime loveliness. (And how about this weather!)  

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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