If you throw a bad party after reading this article, that one’s on you.
Bwog really felt it this week. Send love. Please.
A Bwog investigation revealed the presence of multiple members of the sorority Sigma Delta Tau’s leadership at a prohibited off-campus party that went viral the weekend of February 6–7, along with allegations of the fraternity Sigma Nu holding multiple prohibited parties since the 2021 semester began.
Instead of a Bucket List, Finn Klauber presents to you some holiday-themed opportunities for procrastination. Have you glanced up from the mountain of term papers, theses, notes, and final projects to make holiday plans yet? If you’re like us, you probably fell asleep on those very same term papers, theses, notes, and final projects instead. […]
It’s October 3rd, and Halloween (or as some say, All Hallows’ Eve), will be upon us in just a fortnight and a half. The decidedly homogenous ‘hood of Boringside Heights is gonna get eerie real quick. Bwog hopes to highlight some of the most chilling examples of Halloween décor, in an all-encompassing post at the […]
Campus satire publication the Federalist opens its Fall season tonight with Fed Bash: Under the $ea! The event begins at 11 p.m. in Lerner Party Space, and will feature both live music from Ampersand and Rutabaga, along with DJ performances by DJ Dwai, and DJ Latte. In addition to great music, mocktails and snacks will be provided. According […]
Not content to go quietly, the Class of 2011 had an unofficial post-graduation rager last night. The party started as a flash mob on IAB 15, but Public Safety soon stopped by for old time’s sake. During their attempt to kick students out of IAB, tipsters tell us it was a pretty rowdy time: A […]
A tipster sent along this photo of what appears to be a pretty big rager in IAB by the Class of 2011: While it seemed like all fun and games, shortly after, the party (technically not supposed to be there, or whatever) got broken up by a dozen or so Public Safety officers, the fire […]
Our last Columbia Moment featured the Black Avengers, a group of sophomores who wore black hooded robes and went around beating up freshpeople in New Jersey. This time, we learn about the Burial of the Ancients, a massive drunken book-burning celebration. Erik Kogut, who keeps a blog about Columbia history here, writes. How much do […]
It’s true: Collision, the sort-of annual end-of-year arts party, is not happening this year. Your one chance to make it to Brooklyn, squandered! According to Rick Fudge, the head of Collision, the board “decided we’d rather focus on smaller, more spontaneous stuff on campus,” like the occasional Minilision (ya know, mini-Collisions!) held this year, and […]
We’ve all felt pangs of disappointment upon first entering Lerner Party Space–instead of the marble floors, shimmering candelabras, and comically large wire dress forms that we thought would come with our admissions letters, we are treated to a turn of the century science fiction film set. To see to it that you are never again […]
Bwog may be celebrating its third birthday tonight, but don’t expect Cheerios and apple juice. That’s because the party’s headed to La Negrita, at Columbus and 109th Street. Tip[ple]off is officially set at 10 p.m., but Bwog recommends you arrive earlier to guarantee entrance. Besides welcoming in Bwog’s novum annum, we’ll also be rolling out […]
As of last month, Bwog has turned three years old, and is looking forward to a full set of teeth, complete sentences, counting, and eating as many Lucky Charms as possible. Mmm, tiny marshmallows. As such, you are pleasantly informed that the third anniversary of our birth will be celebrated on Friday at La Negrita […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025