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Posts Tagged with "peace"

University of Maryland professor Dr. Michele Gelfand unleashed her cultural psychology brilliance on the Columbia community last night. Part of the Perspectives on Peace series that Columbia has organized since 2015, Gelfand shared insight from her recent book Rule Makers, Rule Breakers: How Tight and Loose Cultures Wire Our World. Freshman Bwogger Jordan Merrill, chaperoned […]

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Bwog Out

Spring Break has finally arrived, and we’re peacing out. We may be gone, but we’re never far, so make sure to send any wild Spring Break tips to us at If you’re still feeling residual stress, we recommend some art therapy with Columbia-themed coloring book pages (featuring buff Prezbo). Or, if you’re looking for music […]

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This past Thursday, Elizabeth Self, lover of all things peaceful, attended the Sustaining Peace lecture held at the Teacher’s College. Bwog is sure that there were tons of lovely and accomplished speakers present, but we zeroed in on one of our favorites: the ridiculously flawless Leymah Gbowee, who happened to be Barnard’s Commencement speaker this past […]

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Farewell Friends

For the past four years, the good people at Morton Williams have printed “Welcome Class of 2011” on the bottom of their receipts. You may have graduated, Class of 2011, but we promise you’ll always be welcomed back. From senior wisdoms and graduation speeches to inspirational bottle caps and your old man’s sage words, it […]

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What a Day!

As the sun sets over our urban beach, Bwog wishes you a rollicking good afterparty. Photo by Steve Welsh

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What floor is the "one half a double" and "full double" picture taken on? (read more)
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Another alum here and I echo this sentiment! #GoodRiddance I am so glad Minouche resigned because it should not have (read more)
Columbia President Minouche Shafik Announces Resignation, Interim President Announced
August 16, 2024

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