Here’s a quick round-up of all the goings-on of Columbia and its environs, happening right now: A notably dapper member of the Philolexian Society is currently standing atop the Sundial. He and others advertising for the Joyce Kilmer Bad Poetry Contest, which is happening on the 13th. A few yards over, on the Steps, Amnesty […]
According to Wikipedia, a phlog is a “type of daybook, similar to a blog, but run off a Gopher protocol server,” although the word may also refer to a photoblog. According to Columbia’s Philolexian Society, the phlog is a “blog of awesometude” on which various philolexians post poems, essays, and random thoughts. It’s run through […]
A motley band representing Philolexian Society cell CRUSHP (a one-syllable shortening of the Committee for Rectifying the Unphilolexian Sneaky Hipster Problem) has gathered on the Sundial and is hurling insults at passing hipsters. Hipsters, thus far, have not been too affected, because the catcalls are still quieter than the Norwegian middle school-themed songs blasting on […]
Once upon a Thursday dreary, into Hillel I wandered weak and weary and heard many a piece of dreadful lore… The 22nd Annual Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest had many moments, ranging from hilarity to mediocrity to…is that Umbrella in Latin? Whether it was Columbia Blue balls from the window to the wall or […]
It’s that time of year – when the members of Philo quit jabbering and actually write something down. Surgam, the result of their efforts, gets the (very) quick treatment, below (all links head to the same PDF). Best of the Bad Poetry Contest (pp. 4 – 12) Half of a Story Called “Hooke’s Law”: The Only New Thing […]
It seems like everyone is on the lookout for something this week, including…. Philo’s flag. As of the Philolexian Society’s last gathering, the group’s beloved banner has been MIA (pictured below). Philo president Michelle Pentecost gives us the details: “The flag was last seen at our April 12 meeting in the Satow Room on the […]
Behold Surgam, the literary magazine of the Philolexian Society. It was scheduled to come out in February, we hear, but the mail room lost it, so here’s a PDF. (All the links are the same.) A timely shoutout to decorum and sangria (pg. 1) Sapphic? (pg. 6-7) Rushdie’s wife is pretty hot, isn’t she (pg. […]
The Philolexian Society’s 21st Annual Alfred Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest announced their winners! The winning poem goes to “Psalm” by Yonah Lemonik, CC ’08 and the first runner’s up goes to “Leftovers” by Jonah Bloch-Johnson CC ’08 (as “Phillip Hutchinson”) and Phyllis Ma CC ’09. Since Bwog is in the mood for wishing hearty […]
In which Bwog correspondent Hannah Goldfield discovers the delights of poetry taken unseriously. “I have one about bestiality, to the tune of ‘Son of a Preacherman’, but I don’t want to be that bestiality girl!” said a distressed young woman as the elevator door closed and we began our ascent to the James Room on […]
Are they for real? We’re not quite sure. But the Philolexian Society does meet every Thursday, and they are quite serious about what they discuss–last night, whether humans or whales should be saved. Bwog Philo correspondent Josh Schwartz has this report. At the hour of eight and a half, the Philolexian society, Columbia’s oldest student […]
Thank God for the Philolexian Society, purveyor of pretension and producer of a nifty new little publication called Surgam, for lifting this den of philistines into the light of high-minded pursuits! A goodly group of young ladies and gents stepped out in their best Victorian finery to take the air this afternoon while engaging in […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025