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Posts Tagged with "quick jester"

The latest rope-themed edition of the Jester has just been issued.  Bwog selects the highlights of the PDF, available here. Bromenclature. We just love bros, brosefs and all things bro-related. For help with using the word bro or bro-related words more in your life, turn to page 4. Cute useful things you can write with […]

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The latest issue of The Jester, Columbia’s humor magazine, is on newsstands now (full issue available here).  Below, some highlights from their Plus/Minus offering. What every  grad student TA wishes they could do to your abominable creative writing project. What pregnancy tests talk about when they talk about pregnancy. Reasons it might not be so […]

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The newest issue of The Jester will hit news stands tomorrow with a shocking title. Who knew there was a recession on? For the inside scoop, you can check out the pdf version tonight.  You know what else is new? You’re about to graduate from college! And even if you’re not, the real world is […]

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The new issue of The Jester (up now in pdf) should hit your local Butler table sometime today or tomorrow. Don’t be alarmed by the fire engine red, it’s just The Jester’s way of solving the age-old problem of how to catch your attention as effectively and obnoxiously as possible.  Never been to career services? […]

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A new issue of the Jester is out today, which you should find distributed around campus. This month’s “Green”-themed issue can also be on read on the Jester’s brand-new website, and is chock-full of lol-inducing articles, including… a consideration of what it means to be a nihilist publication in this day and age, a reunion […]

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This year’s final issue of the Jester hit the internet a few days ago and will hit newsstands Thursday — you may have received an email from Jesterbot informing you of such. The theme of the issue, as you might have immediately noticed from the front cover, is Tragedy. Editor in Chief David Iscoe explains, […]

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Because they’re sooooo similar, not in terms of theme and content mind you, but because we so love them both. Hugs all around. Firstly, Jester (with a cool new website!): “Constant, murderous raping” (page 8) Children: they’re not that special! (page 9) The most useful thing Jester has ever published (page 14) National stereotyping, with […]

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The latest issue of Jester drops Thursday – that is, if the nefarious CUSJ [read: Jester] doesn’t interfere once more. The theme is one near and dear to Bwog’s heart: technology. (all links take you to the same PDF) AIM and the Manhattan Project – Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together (p. 11) The […]

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Gems from “Columbia’s only humor magazine.” (page numbers in Jester’s numeration, add two for the pdf page number)  “CUM THAT IS MORE THAN AN HOUR OLD” (Page 4) “If you won a Dodge Viper, then fuck this science shit.” (Page 6) “Employee Ben Morton passed away from cardiac arrest due to stress-related complications…defeating a JP […]

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This just in– the December issue of The Jester contains actual funny moments. They have only posted a pdf, so all links below go to the same place.  For 24 fans, something hilarious (page 2) If the Supreme Court were more like the Sizzler (page 6) Vaclav Havel as Judge Judy (page 23) Bad Boys […]

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