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Posts Tagged with "senior dinner"

The 2o14 class councils want need you to ensure that graduation events for the Class of 2014 aren’t horrible and boring and stupid.  Apply to join any of their various committees and groups so you have nothing to grumble about and no one to blame but yourself come May. Senior Week Committee Application One co-chair from each school (BC, […]

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It’s that time of year again. CC Seniors get a chance to look dapper in their black tie apparel and eat a selection of delectable, and sometimes questionable, platter of upscale food. The event, hosted by Student Affairs, begins at 8 pm and takes place on South Lawn. CC ’12, make sure to look the […]

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In an email yesterday, Student Affairs sent out an email announcing the Senior Dinner, which is slated for April 30th at 8 pm, and the menu, which is strange. Wondering what a “cranberry gastrique” is, Bwog turned to resident foodie Matt Powell. The Fish Option: The fish option may be both the most substantial of […]

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  It’s 2pm the next afternoon and seniors are just starting to hungoverly roll out of bed. Notice we didn’t say “their” beds.   The Senior Dinner crowd last night was a mixture of the excellent (our friends) and the obnoxious (everyone else). A series of speakers were ignored until Quigley appeared on stage. Launching […]

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As Bwog was passing by the Senior Dinner on South Lawn tonight, it caught sight of the waiters filling pitchers with water. With a hose. From a spigot in the ground. That’s “gray water,” right? Ew. Just for fun, Bwog inquired. The two people guarding the entrance of the tent asserted that the same caterer […]

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