The matter of how the 200 Obamacain seats would be assigned was a pressing concern for about 15,000 of you. At the same time, many campus media organizations applied for press credentials (which were approved — or, in all cases but two, denied — by ServiceNation), so that they could record, report, videotape, and photograph […]
The luckiest student in the whole world just forwarded Bwog The Email sent from Student Programs and Events just a few minutes ago. So, start checking your mailboxes and start the morning off with an inbox full of (or should we say empty of!) disappointment. Email that you will never receive after the jump.
As the joint Obama-McCain forum rolls closer, more and more details are beginning to emerge. Last night, Bwog told you about the councils’ and groups’ plan for Thursday. Now, more details are emerging about the event itself. The first issue is seating. Many of you are no doubt wondering when those emails granting you entrance […]
In the comments section of this very site (and others) many of you speculated that a Doctors Without Borders event originally scheduled to be in Roone on 9/11 was, in cruelly ironic fashion, canceled to make way for the Obamacain Service Spectacular of 2008. A tipster on the Doctors Without Borders listserv just forwarded Bwog […]
Obamacain lottery extended until an hour an a half ago, so… hurry? This article on anorexia is called “The Campus Elephant.” Activism outside Columbia: it’s a whole other (gentrified) world out there. There are a number of Mexican restaurants by campus. Here are their phone numbers and addresses. At an undisclosed location, at an unnamed […]
Your (Columbia College) student government is officially functional! The full CCSC met for the first time tonight in Satow, where they’ll be taking care of business every week this year on Sundays at 8:00pm. “We’re going to get in, do what we need, and get out,” said a take-no-prisoners President Krebs of his meeting style. […]
With the dual force of Obamacain four days from striking campus, student groups and councils are scrambling to inject themselves into the festivities. On Saturday, representatives from almost every governing council, as well as CPU, the College Democrats, and the College Republicans, met to plan programming for the run-up. They plan to send their outline […]
For a three-day week, it sure felt a lot longer. Maybe it was the newness, maybe it was the heat (or Hanna). Either way, let’s relive this auspicious beginning to the semester. Your professors began class in off-putting and amusing ways A mysterious antagonist offended one violent feminist in EC We discovered our beloved bird of prey […]
In case you didn’t get the e-mail.
According to the Columbia homepage, those of you who’ve been sitting around trying to register for one of 200 available lottery seats to the Obama-McCain event will have until noon tomorrow to sit around some more. Best of luck!
Political clubs pay attention to politics! Lauren Salz…she’s everywhere! The Hawkmadinejads will take care of this JShap rides off into the sunset to bright new career as a lounge singer Political science becomes even less of a real field
Don’t fret, readers: you now have a chance to get tickets for the McCain – Obama forum! In an email sent just before noon, President Bollinger officially announced the details for the event and ticket process behind it. All one has to do is register online here between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. tomorrow (Friday). […]
Well, they moved quickly this time. As we wrote about before, the announcement of a joint appearance by Obama and McCain on campus next Thursday took student government and group leaders completely by surprise. Just before midnight, though, the presidents of the student councils, club governing boards, and Panhellenic councils have sent an email to […]
Holy shit. Spec is reporting that the candidates will speak on behalf of ServiceNation, an organization that aims to increase public service participation. We’re trying to figure out whether the event is open to students, and will be updating as we do. According to the NonProfit Times, 500 seats have already been filled: “500 supporters […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025