Time to don the shorts and shades – the flowers are out! –Photo by ECS
In case the weather wasn’t enough to tip you off, here’s another surefire sign that spring is here: lemonade is back at Oren’s!
The benevolent gods of Columbia Facilities have chosen to smile down upon us today, stripping away the last of the tarps on Furnald Lawn and South Lawn. Usually we have to wait until the week before graduation for such a treat. Accuweather predicts a high of 58 today. To the lawns with you all!
The tarp is being peeled off the middle lawn! The grass looks green, lovely and artificial. Long time no see, pal.
The sun has set on a beautiful, 70 degree day here in New York. Bwog had a lovely time remembering how wonderful it is here (and below 96th Street!) during the first few days of spring. We k-velled like k-razy when we spotted this yellow flower and sign poking out of an open window on […]
The lights have officially been cut from the trees on College Walk. Until, December, friends. Here’s to spring! Speaking of which: Bwog goes on spring break, too. We’ll be posting occasionally for the next week, but expect us back in full swing a week from Monday. Happy travels/sleeps!
Spring is upon us! Yesterday evening’s step-goers were but a foreshadowing of what was to come today–beautiful, fifty-degree weather. Photos by HEH and HSG
AccuWeather reports a balmy 45 degrees in the big 10027 right now. These two brave souls have the right idea. Party on.
Does this mean spring has officially started? Photo by Liz Naiden
Our pal James is at it again, this time guesting on 30 Rock and totally destroying our long-held ideas on celebrity. Subversion! (Hulu) CU prof Ilan Meyer testified in the federal Proposition 8 trial, and said that Prop. 8 would adversely affect the health of the gay community. Your faculty: on the right side of […]
It’s the last day of March, and for once the weather is behaving correctly – going out like a lamb after the groundhog’s prescribed six extra weeks of winter, being awesome, etc. Super Studies Stalker Julia Mix Barrington sends us photographic evidence of […]
Bwog’s Seasonal Transition Team has been awaiting this moment for weeks, and the day has finally come. The South Lawn is beginning to show signs of life, emerging as we speak from her long hibernation. More pictures of the disrobing after the jump.
Editor’s Note: Hello again! Nice to finally be back up. Unfortunately, our events system might have taken the entire site down with it for the past few days, but our crack team of computer whiz kids finally were able to go in and revive the blog. That, or the blog achieved sentience and decided to […]
– Photo by CEE Spotted outside of Carman: a flowering forsythia! The shrub, native to Asia, is known for its early flowering, considered a sign of spring. Even if the weather outside remains frightful, then, cheer up! Warmth may be just around the corner.
Columbia isn’t the only New York school with an activist, environmentalist campus. Well, okay, maybe. NYU Diarist W.M. Akers ponders the not-so-radical nature of environmental activism below 14th street. We can probably pinpoint the moment when environmentalism went mainstream to Al Gore’s Oscar acceptance speech. From then on, it was a steady march to bio-degradeable […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025