As we reported earlier this summer, we’ll have our dear old President Lee Bollinger at least through 2018, according to a statement sent out to all students this morning. The chair of our board of trustees noted that “Columbia is performing at a level and achieving a standing it has not enjoyed in many years,” […]
The following University statement was sent out, noting that Columbia cannot comment on the allegations of the Title IX complaint because they have not yet seen it. It also states that Columbia is working to improve the current system, which will continue even in the face of the Title IX, Title II, and Clery complaints […]
Robert Hornsby, Associate VP of Media Relations of Columbia, sent out the following university statement regarding No Red Tape at Days on Campus this past weekend. He notes Columbia’s commitment to “protecting the rights of all in our community to express their views,” but that, more practically, No Red Tape was blocking an entryway and not […]
You may have heard the controversy: at Saturday night’s GREEK BΣΔΤS talent show, thrown by SDT, a performance of “Holy Grail” by members of Lambda came complete with the original, uncensored offensive language–specifically, repeated use of the n-word. The song apparently caused multiple people to storm out of the event, and a “face-off” was had […]
Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
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