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Posts Tagged with "SIC"

Are you a freshman or sophomore who is into Jazz Music or sustainability (or some other “special interest”)? Want to live in the same dorm as Kerouac (or maybe just a nice brownstone)? Want to avoid the drama of the housing lottery and live with a bunch of other people who have similar passions as you […]

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Is your roommate messy/obnoxious/ inconsiderate/a serial killer? Well today might be your last chance to get the hell out of there make other living arrangements for next semester.  The priority deadline for SIC spring housing is today, so get those apps in! Information about the applications can be found here; just don’t pay attention to […]

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If you haven’t noticed, Bwog is really interested in the whole new SIC this year. We wanted to know just what made the Jazz House a key above all the rest of the applicants to be chosen for next year’s new SIC; a smooth jazz Bwogger reached out to the group’s housing coordinator, Ben Rosenblum, […]

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Results are in, folks; Bwog has investigated and found out that the newest Special Interest Community at Columbia will be the Jazz House, according to the community’s housing coordinator. This news comes after an application process that had six finalists. The Jazz House will be located in the first floor of River, and is the […]

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Columbia is now accepting applications for students to form a new Special Interest Community house.  So if you’re feeling premature in your panic about housing and have a Columbia-recognized student group you think would be perfect to fill the 1st floor of River (1 double and 7 singles),  you should check out the online application. […]

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Do you have a special interest? Do you eat, breathe, and sleep in your special interest? Would you like to share a living space with people who also share that special interest? Or maybe you just want to figure out your housing stuff really early? Well, here’s your chance! Special Interest Community applications are up, […]

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This morning the 11-person SIC committee announced the names of the student organizations whom they chose to live in two EC townhouses, a spiffy Wallach suite, and the Convent (“Special Interest Community House”). The lucky winners have until tomorrow at 5 pm to accept the offers. Congrats to the following groups! Wallach 2C: Writer’s House SIC House: […]

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The committee to determine who gets SIC space on campus — the new “Special Interest Community House” (AKA the Convent), two EC townhouses, and a space in Wallach — had their final meeting today.  They will be presenting their suggestions to Dean Martinez, who will make the final decisions next week.  Later this month, applications […]

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The Convent on 113th and Wallach 2C will be available for Special Interest Communities and “other populations with specific needs” come this fall, so it’s time for applications. The Convent is newly renovated, so we’re talking hardwood floors, a multi-purpose room in the basement, a full kitchen, two RAs, a Public Safety guard, and other […]

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Last night, Deans Shollenberger and Martinez attempted once again to gather community input on the fate of Columbia’s newest residential acquisition, the former St. Hilda’s House convent on 113th. Seeing as Bwog and Spec were joined by no less than two legitimate voices of the “community,” the event was less a conversation and more a […]

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SIC(K) Housing

Everyone’s favorite lottery process, also known as “Housing,” has begun, and the housing office announced two new SICs opening up next year. That’s Special Interest Communities, for you rising sophomores who haven’t looked them up during your desperate search for a single. On top of the seven others that will roll over from 2008 (there […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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