The ladies (and gentlemen) of Barnard ResLife are looking for input from BC students in the form of a new online survey. The survey comes on the brink of a recent Town Hall meeting, at which several *significant* changes [emphasis theirs] to this spring’s room selection process were proposed. Barnard’s put up an enormous […]
UPDATE (12:45 PM): It’s halftime at housing—the process of coming to terms with Wien or the McBain shaft will resume after a lunch break at 1:30 PM. The white board, creature of habit that it is, hasn’t been updated since our last photo. However, according to housing, about four or five groups have come in […]
Update 1:32 PM: As prospective first-years have long, overwrought conversations about the Core at Low Steps, a spectacle proceeds, ignorant to them, in John Jay Lounge, one that will shake the very bedrock of the school — Day Three of suite selection. Plus the board hasn’t been updated in, like, half an hour. Here’s what’s […]
UPDATE (1:16 PM): Senior selection is over…except for senior re-group. The lounge is closed until 2pm, so here’s the final count. UPDATE (12:25 PM): There are two high demand Woodbridge suites left, but all “H” lines are gone. Per Bwog’s request, housing is now listing Woodbridge rooms by line. Here’s what […]
Nostalgic for the suites you never even had a chance of getting anyway? Reminisce with the morning’s liveBwog. 1:42 PM: Housing has returned from lunch and suite selection has picked back up. The white board (as is far too often the case) remains the same, save for a penciled in noticed that there are 11 […]
The day of reckoning has arrived, and Bwog will be stationed on a beanbag chair in John Jay, livebwogging your fate. Check back to this post throughout the day today, with frequent updates of what suites are still in your grasp. 11:04 AM:
Dear Columbians, Your housing appointment times are up in cyberspace; selection starts tomorrow. Go here, log into your housing application, and look under where your lottery number is printed to find the time.
The answer, as six unlucky CU students will probably soon find out, is perhaps a lot more than $200. One Bwog tipster (and probably dozens of other students with decent lottery numbers) received an email from a group calling themselves “Columbia Students.” The email proposed an Old-Timey Barter in which housing lottery numbers would be […]
In case you haven’t already been frantically GChatted by friends, you should know your housing lottery number is now available. What isn’t available, despite the Housing site’s promises to the contrary, is everybody else’s. Begin frantically scrambling to figure out how many people will pick EC suites before you… now! Update: “Daniel”, on the housing […]
We now invite you to leave the relative comforts of Nussbaum and venture northwest to Claremont in our continuing housing series. Also, don’t forget online registration ends in three hours! A few blocks northwest of the hustle and bustle of midtown Columbia is a calm oasis for the students who call it home. Cozy and […]
In case you didn’t know, this is up on the Housing home page: Online Registration for Room Selection begins on Tuesday, March 11 after 5:00pm. EVERYONE must fill out the first step of your application by Tuesday, March 25 at midnight. So kids, as you are unpacking from long plane rides and sleeping through morning […]
Break is drawing to a close, and the housing lottery is fast approaching. Use your last weekday off to acquaint yourself with the next dorm in our 2008 housing series: Nussbaum. You could do a whole lot worse than 600 W. 113th Street, a.k.a. Nussbaum. To begin, Nussbaum’s in a great location – equidistant from […]
While you sun yourselves in far-flung locales, remember, gentle readers, that the 2008 housing lottery waits for no one. In the spirit of steadfastness, we invite you for a brief sojourn back to East Campus. A Brief Guide to East Campus, from someone who lives in Wien Next door to the dilapidated honeycomb that is […]
Our all too brief sojourn to Brooklyn must come to a close, as our quest to explore each and every dorm continues. Today: Wallach. Hey, everyone. It’s Wallach! Wallach is the kid in class that really isn’t the most interesting or social person but is certainly the one that can be immediately described as “nice.” […]
From Wien to Woodbridge to Ruggles, we’ve explored many on-campus housing options this week. Now, it’s time to go off-campus with Brooklynite Bwog editors Zach van Schouwen and Mariela Quintana where they will debate the pros and cons of shacking up in New York’s better borough. PRO: Hipsters and $2 Beer Brooklyn! Behind every tenement […]
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