Next in our series of reviews of the library rooms we hate to love: the reading room on the third floor of the Diana center. So yeah, the Diana reading room is not technically a “library room”. Fine, you win, revoke my blogging license. However, not being in a library is what makes the Diana […]
About forty inquisitive minds gathered in the Diana Center Event Oval on Tuesday night to discuss WTF Barnard SGA actually does, since it knows that you don’t know the answer. Duchess of Doing It Renée Kraiem was there to find out whether SGA itself knows. Amid the opening of Diet Coke cans and the enjoying of […]
It’s November, which means it’s time to harvest the crops and begin the time of festive feasting. Columbia, in recognition of this, is doing its part to help you grow out that “winter coat” around your midsection.
Few luxuries in life can compete with the delectable combination of milk and cookie, so head over to the Diana from 12 to 2 pm and pick up some free cookies and milk and make your very own milk moustache at this McAC Community and Skip Stop-hosted study break. Cookies for commuters and non-commuters alike via Wikimedia Commons
McAC is offering free food on the second floor of the Diana center until 2 pm as part of their Fun with Folders program. Help put together activity folders for kids at a local YMCA After-School Program; that’s right, you can satisfy your hunger and make a difference in the community simultaneously. No word on the exact contents […]
Barnard’s Center for Research on Women is holding its 40th anniversary celebration. Head over to the lower level of Diana (in front of the Event Oval) or Althschul Lobby to pick up free lunch boxes. We hear they have roast beef, chicken, and vegetarian options!
Get caffeinated. They’re handing out free Tazo ice tea and coffee to promote the new Starbucks in Liz’s place. We hear they’ll now offer all types of multi-syllabic espresso beverages, including frappuccinos. Chilled beverage via Wikimedia
Come to First Ladies: More Than Just Cookies, hosted by Women’s History Month tonight at 6 PM in the second floor Diana cafe. Professor Rosalind Rosenberg will speak about the public perception of First Ladies followed by discussion. They promise (with caps locked excitement) “TONS OF COOKIES.”
An anonymous tipster sent us the following gem yesterday—we added the sunglasses to protect his identity, and augment chill. All those flooding the libraries in anticipation of upcoming midterms, take note: Around 4 this afternoon a diligent student studying in the Diana cafeteria on the second floor excavated himself from behind his laptop, lay down on the […]
Two men entering the Diana: Man 1: Is this named after Princess Diana? Man 2: I hope so. Image via Wikimedia
All sorts of plans grace the headlines today: President Obama is to lay down his blueprint for economic recovery tonight. (NYTimes) Blueprint appreciated: Barnard’s Diana Center is the recipient of the American Institute of Architects 2011 Honor Awards for Architecture. Someone who knows the blueprints of NYC: Columbia University’s Professor Kenneth T. Jackson (of midnight […]
Bwog’s Special Correspondent Zoe Camp reports from last night’s SGA meeting. Tonight’s special guest was Lisa Gamsu, Barnard’s Vice President for Administration and Capital Planning! And so ensued a lengthy conversation on all things Facilities: During the construction of the Diana, the Lewis Parlor was used as a common space. With the Diana completed, the […]
“When Columbia builds, the city cringes.” (New York) Why New York is a city of superheroes. (City Room) Legos will solve all the city’s problems. (NY Post) We will not be scammed! (NYDaily)
"It will become one of those landmarks that marks the city, one that you can see from all the way down Broadway."
There was no ribbon-cutting and you won’t get any berets, but the Diana Center Café officially opens today, and people are trying their best not to accidentally make double entendres. The new cafeteria features a macaroni and cheese bar, a handful of different paninis, and a salad bar. It’s open from 11:30 to 3; students […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025