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Posts Tagged with "the end is nigh"

For the times when everyone rediscovers Milstein…

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It’s now only a matter of hours until you can jump for joy and revel in the total freedom of winter break. Draw from us the strength to last one more day, and we’ll see you tonight at the party end of the world. Bwogline: Although the Canadian video of a child being flown away by an […]

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The Final Countdown

Sorry kids, Spring Break is over. The seven weeks between now and the end of the semester give you just enough time to let that suntan fade while you camp out in Butler (but do it ethically!). While you’re waiting for the return of lighter hues, here’s what to look forward to. (For added drama, […]

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In case you hadn’t heard, the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl last night sans old quarterback. Congrats Cheeseheads! (USA Today) Who wouldn’t want to read about the Most Interesting Man in the World? After all, he is the life of parties he has never attended. (New Yorker) Speaking of interesting elderly gentlemen, check […]

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Finals got you down? Then you can verbally vent your frustrations by participating in the Primal Scream. The guide for new students: If your clock or watch is not auto-synced to the NIST’s Cesium Fountain Atomic Clock (i.e. the Internet), make sure you’ve set it correctly. When in doubt, Bwog recommends a cell phone for superior accuracy. […]

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