Or so fear the Columbians behind StudentsPrepAmerica, a new website aimed at preparing you for a plague of Seventh Seal-like proportions. Yet death won’t be privy to long, philosophical chess games on the beach this time around: according to the folks over at StudentsPrep (CC seniors Justin Kamen, Alex Diacou and Chris Baratta, for the […]
Bwog played around with Google at work yesterday. Here’s what Google suggests we’re trying to find when the bolded word is typed into the search bar: Butler Library Butler Library columbia Butler Library hours Butler Library columbia university Tao Tan Tao tanning lotion Tao tantra Tao tang Tao Tan lehman Columbia Spectator Columbia Spectator online […]
Columbia continues its recent trend of improving old things by re-doing them in Century Gothic with the launch of the new Lerner website. Even though the new site is the color of a failing kidney, information is streamlined and aesthetically pleasing—like this handy map of Lerner’s innards. And this insultingly oversimplified guide to booking space. […]
In which Ashish Kundra, a veteran of one internet enterprise himself, leads us through a forest of free services on the web that may just save you some money on your way to tech geek nirvana (if they don’t end up on the startup junkheap first). Google on-demand Google on your phone…no crackberry required. Text […]
A big Bwog welcome to the Blaaag (rhymes with gag, and not to be confused with Blaaaaahg), which we stumbled upon a few weeks ago before it officially launched on Tuesday. The Blaaag staff wants you to know that although it is specific to Asian American stuff, it is not the voice of the Asian […]
We like blogs. Apparently, other people like them too. In its incessant web surfing, Bwog came across a couple new kids on the block: Editor Josh – Ever wanted to know what Spec news editors think about constantly, unceasingly, all day every day? One of them has started a blog to give a little more […]
Julia Kite, an urban studies major (?), sent this one in to give SEAS students and science majors one last thrill before midterms. Bwog thinks SEAS guys and gals are probably too jaded to enjoy this, but if you’re not at least one iota thrilled (or made slightly nauseated) by this, there’s probably something wrong […]
While researching a linguistics paper on Artificial Intelligence, Bwog Correspondent Sara Maria Hasbun came across the websites for the winners of the Loebner Competition, a contest in which judges converse blindly with both humans and computer programs—the prize goes to the machine that bests simulates intelligent conversation. For her paper, Sara decided to try out […]
Commencement is being webcast (rather well) by the school here.
The folks at Northeastern University have blown a fuse somewhere. When students from their incoming class attempt to sign up for a University-provided email account during Orientation, they will have to complete a “Facebook.com Tutorial.” A Powerpoint presentation cooked up by the admins sez: “The facebook provides excellent opportunities for students to connect with their peers […]
A frequent contributor wrote in to say: The Harvard-spawned fascists who control facebook.com apparently have begun purging the site of one of its best features: funny profiles. It seems they decided that Aaron Burr didn’t do his job properly the first time (did you expect any better from a Princeton alum?) and deleted Alexander Hamilton’s […]
The Bwog is savvy. The Bwog is so savvy it can read your mind. Not really. But the Bwog can see what Google searches you use to get to the site. In the name of “Not Thinking About Finals or Graduation,” the Bwog gives you the list of Best.Searches.Ever. Can you find a theme? how […]
Does John McCain speak for you? Because he doesn’t speak for these guys. After all, post-thesis seniors have to get worked up about something…
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025