Since CCSC backpedaled on its decision not to hold elections for the University Senate opening, 36% of you voted. Results below. 1. Marc Heinrich took the USenate seat with 394 votes (24.7%). Manik Uppal followed with 290 (18.2%). And in third was Samer Ozeir, current Chipotle brand ambassador, with 192 votes (12.03%). 2. Divestment ballot […]
If you haven’t already voted–and you should!–learn something about this Divestment thing, which is on the ballot as part of the ballot initiative. Hailey Riechelson, part of BCDivest, provides an explanation for you to peruse: Though the Barnard Columbia Divest Campaign has been working hard to establish itself on campus, many students are still unaware […]
This is something we don’t normally do, so please forgive us if we’re really awkward at it. Bwog officially endorses Conor Skelding for University Senator. We feel that he is the most qualified for this job and is the best candidate moving forward to bring some sort of progress to the university. We realize some […]
After giving you the first half of the USenate election candidates, we present you with the rest–again in the chronological order in which we got their responses. You can also get more of their character in our super official Debate LiveBwog. Please also note that Cameron Demsey, who was announced in the original list, has […]
Welcome to the University Senate elections debate. We will be liveblogging the proceedings as the candidates make their stand at the Satow Room in Lerner. Learn more about half of the candidates here, we’ll have the other half for you tomorrow. [liveblog] 4:34: We’re hangin’ here waiting for the debate to begin. Pizza is being […]
We’re pleased to introduce you to half of your USenate candidates. We did the honors of asking ’em all the same questions and present them to you in the order in which we received responses. Read on, get informed, and get ready to vote. We will have another post later with the remaining candidates. Voting […]
With all this talk of USenate elections, Bwog’s been fielding the same question: so what exactly is the University Senate…? To that, Bwog groans and rolls our eyes: we’ve gone over this already!! To that end, we’re reposting an interview from last month with Jared Odessky, CC’15, about the Senate, just in time for you to […]
As we announced earlier, after an interesting turn of events, there will be a direct election for the University Senate. There will be a debate in the Lerner Satow Room on Sunday from 4:30-5:30 pm and polls will open next Wednesday. The candidate list has just been announced and is as follows: Conor Skelding Alexander Andresian Yassamin Issapour David Kang David Froomkin Marc Heinrich […]
Aaaaand after a student council weekend retreat and some meetings, CCSC has decided to hold a direct election to fill the USenate seat. Democracy prevails! Registration to run is here and the election should conclude by mid-October. Full press release from the CCSC Exec Board: The Executive Board of Columbia College Student Council will implement […]
Last night, we wrote that a USenate position had been vacated and people can apply. The next space will be filled via an “indirect election” whereby 3 nominees are chosen by a panel of “the College’s current senators, CCSC President, and one additional CCSC Executive Board member,” and the winner is voted on of those […]
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