John Jay Water Fountain, you have my heart.
Staff Writer Gina Brown has compiled a field guide to identifying environmental science majors at Columbia/Barnard!
Three scientists call us to action to avoid catastrophe.
Welcome back to Science Fair, Bwog’s weekly roundup of science events happening around campus. As always, email if you want your event featured.
Apparently it’s the Year of Water here at Columbia. Bwog jumps in on the bandwagon and drinks some water. This article just like WATERLICHT, except nobody wants to take pictures of it and there isn’t a line outside the club.
Tests, tests, and tests = boooo. Bwog, Bwog, and beds = good.
Bwogger Gabrielle Kloppers is an East Asian Languages and Cultures minor. Although she loves her classes, she doesn’t need to go to the East Asian Library in Kent all that often. Imagine her anxiety when she realized that the one time she does need it, it’s flooded. Or read all about it here. So, let […]
Are you a FIJI lover? And no, I’m not talking about the Frat, I’m talking the close to $3 bottle of water. The water that apparently is sourced from volcanic springs and has become synonymous with luxury. If you are, eschewing the pragmatism and convenience of Poland Spring, then you will most likely seek out those […]
Happening in the world: An ancient tomb with mummies was discovered in Egypt! (CNN) Happening in the nation: Florida was hit by Hurricane Irma last night. The whole state is in crisis mode, and the western coast will likely be hit the worst. (BBC) Happening in NYC: It’s New York Fashion Week! Learn more about the happenings. (NY Times) Happening […]
Supply: of honey is not what it seems! (Food Safety News) Demand: for water could lead to international tension in the coming years. (NYT) Supply: of transplant organs in China will drop as the government discontinues the practice of taking them from inmates on death row. (BBC) Demand: transparency in the administration. (Spec) Chartz via […]
Update, 6:11 pm: McShane sent out an email advising students “to continue to use caution and monitor information sources.” And good building-integrity news: “Facilities has checked all buildings on the Morningside campus and has determined that there are no significant problems.” Most importantly, CC and SEAS ’15 move-in is on for tomorrow! Full email after […]
Wallach floods again! Here’s a view from the stairwell, which looks sort of like all the worst horror movies ever morphed into one. Help!
Plumbing and Aquatics Correspondent Joy Jorgensen sends along this picture from the EC courtyard. There’s a big leak in front of one of the townhouses that is flooding the courtyard. If you’re braving the waters, update us in the comments. Stay dry, party people.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025