With less than two weeks of classes left, chances are you’ve found yourself Butler-bound, day after day. And that elite species of Blue Java-loving Stacks inhabitants—known to the more general public as the Butler Archetypes—are by your side the whole time. Rest your head on Conor Skelding’s very soft shoulder as he reminds you why that’s […]
For your viewing pleasure, video from last night’s snowball fight, courtesy of Danielle Noujaim:
Another blog has discovered our friend Sarah Dooley. Yes, her character is a lot like Michael Scott, but so much cuter! A Columbia grad student played in that intertubes-inspired concert at Carnegie Hall: “I haven’t hardly played at all.” Drought in Africa: yes, it could happen, and it’s happened before: “startling.” Ever wonder what happens […]
The Gray Lady‘s Freakonomics blog included a post this morning about our very own beloved Sarah Dooley. The poster, Ian Ayres predicted: “she is going to make it big. I’m not sure how, but remember you heard it here first.” False. We actually started praising Dooley’s hilarious YouTube series, AndSarah, about a year ago. Dooley […]
Our Hero is making some appearances by the church, probably to enjoy the nice weather and the sparrows and pigeons that hang out there. Jeff Chou sent in the following picture of H-dad perched on a lamp by the chapel. AND Hawkmadinejad made his YouTube debut via an accidental filming by Xavier Estevez! He’s […]
Too much to sift through on YouTube? Life’s hard. Bwog’s here to help. There’s nothing as bad as being in Butler on a Saturday night. But, instead of wasting your study break tonight on another disappointing episode of SNL, Bwog suggests checking out Sarah Dooley’s (BC ’11) delightful YouTube series, AndSarah. Sarah’s face may be […]
While Bwog is trying to avoid posting YouTube video after YouTube video about CCSC—well, no we’re not—we couldn’t resist this gem from the LE:MON boys. Plus, it gives us a chance to tease the upcoming Bwog Political Personals™ feature, coming in the next few days. Potential “Kristens” take note.
It’s raining. You’re not going outside. Good thing we’ve got a bunch of videos shot on the campus in sunlight. 1. You never thought you’d see a homemade Radiohead video shot in John Jay. Well, OK, maybe you did:
What WAS that last night? Now you know. Incidentally, Bwog loves videos. If you have original footage of Columbia life, send it on in.
YouTube can be a goldmine when you’re bored enough.
Remember Reni Laine? Frontiers of science girl? The blonde wasp? Well she ended up on Gawker again, this time for some suspicious “Webby” awards. The occasion’s not important, but you know what is? Her nipple! While some would be mortified, Reni seems to take it in stride… UPDATE 10:37 EST: Stop complaining the first picture […]
As Columbia student groups discover technology, we give you the best of their efforts. It’s a whole new world for the Dems, reenergized after their elections last month. According to new president Josh Lipsky, next year the group will be putting on three to five events per week, as well as creating dozens of new […]
What? You’re not already sick of the amateur parodies of SNL’s “Special Christmas Box” that have been pollinating YouTube for months? You want to see law students pretend they have an iota of creativity by donning fake beards and Orthodox Jewish outfits to present you with boxes full of…Bagels with Lox? That’s the theme of the […]
Akon has two new singles out and three still on the charts. Bwog music critic Bryan Mochizuki asks what, exactly, he’s giving us. I wrote a much longer piece for this week on Akon, Einstein, populism, and “Smack That.” But it topped out at like 1,754 words, which I think is around 1,752 more than […]
Lost actress Elizabeth Mitchell dished on the Daily 10 recently about, well, Lost–and why those crazy Columbia kids would have a problem with her buddy Matt speaking at Class Day. Ha ha ha. Interviewer: They were unhappy that he was picked to speak on class day. Do you think perhaps that it was his advocacy […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025