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Will the artist responsible for creating the pint-sized Jack McGourty please identify themselves as such in an email to Be honest, and don’t forget to include a Mii designed to resemble your likeness. Congratulations, and a special mention to whoever submitted Sunil Gulati.  

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We’ve noticed, dear avian enthusiasts, that photos and sightings of Hawkmadinejad—not to mention our other new friends Nathaniel, Pale Male and Goose Robbins—have constituted about 90% of tips we’ve received. Therefore, in the spirit of reader involvement and instant gratification, we are proud to launch the Hawkmadinebwog, a round-the-clock Columbia bird-related news network.    Our […]

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Yesterday, in our quest to educate you, gentle readers, about the ins and out of Columbia real estate, we took a closer look a Wien. Today, we move westward to Woodbridge—a place of dreams, deferred. Woodbridge According to the housing website, even the “worst room” in Woodbridge is a treat. I’ve experienced both ends of […]

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Hawkmadinejad captures our hearts, is captured by our camera lenses and Mii-makers… … but he’s got competition. Bwog correspondent gives us a bird’s eye view of Columbia/Barnard construction. The avian version of Manhattanville occurs in front of Earl Hall. Recipe for fried chicken shows birds in a different, delicious light. CCSC candidates squawk about proper […]

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Experience Columbia will experience a 10% decline in the number of available posters because of the now infamous letter of Adil Ahmed.  The Elections Board ruled in their favor.  Full letter after the jump. The Official Bwog Poster Count: Alidad Damooei: 1000 George Krebs: 900 -JJV

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Free Rotisserie Chicken, rice and beans in the Lerner lobby! It’s delicious. Bwog already had some. Hurry up!

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Song of Mii-self

We received many submissions in our first annual Mii-creation contest. The following represent the top of the class. Show your support by announcing your favorite in the comments. Winner gets to make a Mii of themselves for a Bwog post with the of title “CHAMPION.” Representing SEAS: Associate Dean/reported life-ruiner Jack McGourty

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Do midterms have you down? Are you spending too much time at the Library? Need a change of scenery? Take a look here and see how and where those crazy kids downtown at the New School do their studying.   Yes.  Art school students definitely do have more fun.  Click here for specifics on the New […]

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It’s a rainy Saturday and, yes, it would be prudent to spend the day in Bulter, but don’t you deserve a break? (Bwog thinks you do.) And there’s really no better way to relax and pass a dreary Saturday than with a couple feel-good flicks.  Here, Bwog has compiled a smattering of movies that will […]

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Everyone’s favorite artificial deus ex machina of friendships, the Housing Lottery, is almost upon us! Usually an occasion for last minute research, Bwog will be running a series of posts on all Columbia dorms, including a feature on why it’s smarter to live with Barnard girls, and a point-counterpoint on living off-campus. This way, when […]

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Our beloved NYU Diarist, in sickness and in health. The Washington Square Duane Reade has run out of Airborne, that slightly suspect “Effervescent Health Formula” that brags it was invented by a teacher. Whether the stuff works or not—I’m unconvinced but take it anyway—it’s cold season, and it’s selling. [It doesn’t work —Ed.] Classes have […]

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Mii Contest

It’s another lazy Friday, and Bwog’s mind inevitably turns to the Wii, and a weekend of whiplash and wrist injuries. In that vein, we’re opening up a contest for the best Faculty Miis. Create one here, post the link in the comments, and we’ll award an exciting prize to the winner. And we’ll post the […]

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Welcome back to Cooking with Bwog. Bwog’s resident chef is doing a one-week tour at a Navy mess hall, but in her absence we present a full Southern meal, a recipe that was handed down for generations after this week’s chef’s family had forfeited all its Southern roots by moving to New England in the […]

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After six months in Glasgow, arts columnist still assumes there’s bagpipes in everything. No fair: Columbia students can love their bodies — or have eating disorders — just like everyone else!   As it turns out, major declaration is not as dramatic as Harry Potter would lead you to believe.   “Bullen said she thinks […]

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Tonight in the SGO, candidates had to file for positions on the Council.  The only big surprise seems to be that Colin Drummond, once thought to be vying for the Exec Board, has decided to challenge Mark Johnson for 2009 Council.  In what seems to be one of the least contested campaign seasons in recent […]

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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