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How many midterms do you have? If you’re not sure, take this handy-dandy, totally scientifically accurate quiz to see just how screwed you are in the next few weeks.

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David Keefe, Senior Assistant Dean of Student Veteran Initiatives, guided staff writer Tamara Barriot through the steps to create her own sheet of paper. On Friday the 14th, you can check out the exhibition of combat paper in the LeRoy Neiman Art Gallery. The paper recycling process is pretty standard world-wide, pulp is extracted from […]

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As midterm season accelerates into full swing, the halls of Butler seem more crowded than the halls of Carman on a Friday night. Suitemate sightings are few and far between. We’re so damn nocturnal it’s like we’ve all gone BATshit (Get it? Because bats are nocturnal?). First year Sarah Kinney has decided to study for […]

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Law enforcement officials are saying that a plane crash in Connecticut on Tuesday was likely intentional. The crash had only one survivor. (New York Times) Hackers can now eavesdrop on your Skype calls without your knowledge, and their methods are almost undetectable. Watch out! (The Atlantic) Costumeish, a Halloween costume company, has come under fire recently […]

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We’ve all been there. It always seems that whenever you urgently have a place to be, you inevitably find yourself trapped behind slow walkers. First-year staff writer Alex Tang writes about his take on this common experience. “MOVE!” I scream out, silently in my head of course. It’s 10:08am, and I have 2 more minutes and […]

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This Tuesday, in the spirit of FDR’s (and PrezBo’s) famous “fireside chats,” President Spar sat around a table with a group of passionate young students to discuss this election cycle. The group was handpicked from applications to ensure discussion would be stimulating enough that Dspar wouldn’t be checking her twitter under the table halfway through. […]

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On Tuesday morning, Bwog staff writers Lexie Lehmann and Sarah Kinney dragged their tired butts out of bed to attend an event that was actually pretty legit, a conversation on sustainable energy and climate change with Brian Deese, senior advisor to President Obama. The event was hosted by SIPA’s Center on Global Energy Policy. At […]

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It’s Wednesday, which means that Bwog GSSC bureau chiefs Romane Thomas and Jenny Nugent are back to talk about last night’s GSSC meeting! Read more to find out about GSSC/CCSC drama, bouncy houses, and other things that might affect you!  Last night, in one of its most productive meetings yet, General Studies Student Council tackled […]

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We love to hate on career fairs but have to admit they’re pretty useful for finding that summer internship you thought was hopeless, or at least snagging a free water bottle (or five). Deputy Editor Mia Lindheimer noticed something a little fishy about CCE’s Engineering Career Fair, and she’s here to call them out.  If you’re in […]

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An Arizona man adopted a “free puppy,” only to discover later that it was actually a wolf. The “puppy” reportedly chewed through fences, ignored dog treats, and avoided eye contact. Dog or wolf, these photos are still adorable. (Cosmopolitan) Al Gore reminded Floridians on Tuesday that their votes “really, really, really” count. In the 2000 […]

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Last night, PrezBo emerged from his cave for an hour to chat with undergraduates and squint in photos. Editor in Chief Rachel Deal brings you a report of what was said, along with a cute pic she took with the President of the University himself. Last night, PrezBo took some time out of his busy […]

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This week’s SGA meeting focused almost singularly on the ongoing negotiations between Barnard and the Barnard Contingent Faculty (BCF)- UAW unit. This comes after a contentious student panel last week and an email from President Spar and Provost Bell that presented the college’s positions and some of their reasonings to the students. Much of the […]

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Not feeling your 5-credit Arabic class that meets at the crack of dawn, all the way in Knox? Well, good news! You CC students have until the end of the ‘business’ day to get on SSOL and drop it low (your number of points, that is). If this isn’t your day, week, month, or even […]

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While everyone was cramming for Midterms, ESC passed legislation to put a campus ban on smoking. Multiple perspectives were considered, but ultimately, response to a survey swayed the council. Finn Klauber takes you through this important moment in Columbia Engineering student government history. In the most exciting meeting so far of the 2016 Engineering Student Council, […]

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After Argentina elected its current president, Mauricio Marci, the new administration has poured tremendous effort into its economic policies to rectify what the former administration had left behind (sound familiar?). Junior Staff Writer Timmy Wu tells his experience about that time when Argentina’s minister of finance graced Columbia with his presentation on the impact of […]

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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