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Dear Bwog, What’s the deal with the rolling chairs? Does everyone have to get one? I like rocking like a grandpa in my old chair. – Declare Chair Repair Unfair   Dear Declare, From what Bwog has been able to discover, some dorms had all of their old desk chairs replaced with the new rolling […]
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In case you were planning to print anything, you know, ever, you should probably be aware that double-sided printing is no longer a more cost-efficient option. The print quota has been counting double-sided pages as two pages, rather than one. However, the CUIT print quota info page still maintains that the “Quota is measured per sheet […]
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It’s the first day of classes, and you know what that means… another year, another set of professors trying to trick you into not dropping their class. For the next few days, all professors are legally obligated to pepper their lectures and discussion comments with droll jokes, sage advice, and complete non sequiturs. They may do it to […]
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In Rotherham, England, police are accused of intentionally failing to investigate several men who abused and sexually assaulted groups of teenage girls (NY Times). In Novoazovsk, Ukraine, Russia may have sent its troops, but residents are still unsure why their town made front-page news (Al Jazeera). In Alabama’s 26th district, Republican state legislators are in trouble after concentrating […]
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The EcoReps Green Sale for upperclassmen is happening today until 4:00 in Wien Lounge. The EcoReps are selling gently-used items like fridges, lamps, shelves and fans that they rescued from the trash heap. It’s basically like an ASPCA for old dorm furniture, except adopting a fridge is much less responsibility than adopting a puppy, and it’s […]
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Various student activist groups have created a “Disorientation Guide” for Columbia University to inform new students about activist and left-wing issues surrounding the university. The guide, which can be viewed here, was made by “student activists committed to supporting a culture of dissent and politicization on Columbia’s campus” with contributions from members of groups such […]
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Yesterday we unleashed our application for daily editors upon the world. Today, we reveal another position that you should definitely apply for: Staff Writer! After all, “Bwog” is a portmanteau of “Blue and White blog,” and “blog” is a portmanteau of “web log,” and a “log” is something that people write in. Thus, we need enthusiastic, […]
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For our young NSOP-ers, the academic year has already begun. Intrepid Iliad-er and  Feisty Freshperson Garrett Donnelly gives us his report of the first Lit Hum lecture. So we all walk into Roone Arledge Auditorium, each with our slightly dusty copies of The Iliad (thank God for the three-day weekend), to inaugurate our class’ entrance […]
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NSOP is basically over except for the optional neighborhood tours (we’d recommend the dessert tour of NYC), but the fun will never stop. In case you’ve been living under a rock, or in Furnald—and check out this Furnald Tumblr, by the way—here’s what’s been going on. Send info or your desire to write about your experiences to […]
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There’s a new function on SSOL, as you might have noticed when you were attempting to finalize your class schedule. Once you click on the registration tab, look below your wish list for a few more options: Exciting! There’s a new option, titled a “registration calendar.” This seems like a rather odd name, because it’s really most useful to […]
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The few, the brave, the snarky: day-to-day operations at Bwog are orchestrated by a small group of daily editors (dailies), who are responsible for writing Bwoglines and ensuring that the posts scheduled on their day of the week make it on to the site on schedule. Essentially, our dailies are the reason Bwog runs on […]
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An article published today in The Nation  revealed a disdainful message which a Title IX compliance officer accidentally sent to a student activist instead of to the officer’s colleague. The student was one of a group of college Democrats working with administrators to make a flowchart which would clarify what rights and resources survivors of […]
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I have never had the opportunity to explore this place. But for now, I’d just like to say that your (read more)
Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
October 13, 2024
You and your suite-mates did a very thorough, conscientious job. In the process, maybe you learned a sad truth about (read more)
Our Dorms Are Not Clean
October 13, 2024
Was devastated to miss the game but this coverage makes up for it! Such detailed commentary - I feel like (read more)
Columbia Men’s Soccer Secures Their First Win Of The Season Against Yale
October 11, 2024
Was devastated to miss the game but this bwog post makes up for it! So detailed - I feel like (read more)
Columbia Men’s Soccer Secures Their First Win Of The Season Against Yale
October 11, 2024

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