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Posts Tagged with "housing reviews 2015"

Continuing our assistance for pre-frosh housing selection, here is the third installment of Freshpeople Housing Review, in which we examine that most august residence hall, John Jay. Location: 548 W 113th St. Nearby dorms: Hartley, Wallach, with Furnald and Carman a College Walk away. Food: Two of three dining halls (John Jay and JJ’s Place), Strokos, HamDel, and Camille’s. […]

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Don’t you worry, Barnard women; we didn’t forget about housing selection for you! Continuing the tradition for the second year in a row, we bring you the reviews for Barnard dorms! We continue with another Barnard dorm whose colloquial title is a mouthful of six’s: 620 West 116th. Location: 620 W 116th St. Nearby dorms: […]

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Don’t you worry, Barnard; we didn’t forget about housing selection for you! Continuing the tradition for the second year in a row, we bring you the reviews of Barnard dorms! Up next we have a dorm that has an unbeatable location in terms of proximity to campus. Today, we’re heading right to The Quad to get a […]

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Don’t you worry, Barnard; we didn’t forget about housing selection for you! Continuing the tradition for the second year in a row, we bring you the reviews for Barnard dorms! Up next we have a dorm that currently has no gas and sometimes runs out of hot water, but otherwise we hear it’s a fine […]

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Housing is upon us. Bwog’s got you covered; we’ll be rolling out two housing reviews per day until no residence hall is left un-reviewed. Today’s residence hall is… Claremont! Location: 47 Claremont Nearby dorms: Pretty far from the rest of Columbia’s dorms, but it’s close to Elliot and the 600s. Stores and restaurants:Ollie’s, the Vine, […]

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Day two of housing selection is here, so you better figure out where you want to live. Today’s review is Harmony, but if you aren’t much of a walker, take a look at the reviews we’ve already posted. Location: 544 W. 110 St, between Amsterdam and Broadway Nearby dorms: Near the College Residence (Barnard, with some Columbia students) […]

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Today’s the day! Not if you’re a freshman and/or looking to live in Hartley or Wallach, but take this housing review, anyway! If you’re facing down in-person registration today, have a look at the reviews we’ve already posted. Location: 1124 Amsterdam (between 115th and 116th) Nearby dorms: Connected by tunnel to Wallach and John Jay. Carman and […]

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Tomorrow marks the first day of in-person housing selection. Still undecided on where you’re gonna live? If you’re a recluse sophomore with a number somewhere between 10/1 and 10/600, think about living in Hotel Furnald! Be sure to also check out our other housing reviews. Location: 2960 Broadway Nearby dorms: Carman, Schapiro, John Jay, and the LLC […]

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It’s that time of the year again: spring everlasting winter! And that can mean only one thing—the annual installment of Bwog’s housing reviews.  And now we bring you Hogan.  Location: 566 W. 114th St. (entrance on Broadway) Nearby dorms: Broadway, Carman, Ruggles, all them brownstones, and it’s not too far from McBain and Watt. Shops and stores: Very close to pretty much everything because […]

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Love the vibe of Carman? Then McBain will surely be your jam. Rising sophomore heaven! Perhaps that is hyperbole… Anyway, Bwog here to tell you what to expect. Location: 562 West 113th Street Nearby dorms: Watt, Nussbaum, 113th Brownstones Stores and restaurants: Deluxe, Milano, Amigo’s, Oren’s, Tom’s, Dig Inn, Nussbaum and Wu, NYPL, basically everywhere Cost: $7,324 (same as […]

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Housing is coming up, and no, you can’t just avoid thinking about it like you’re avoiding thinking about your Lit Hum paper, Econ problem set, 1004 homework, French presentation…check out what Wien Hall has to offer, and check back tomorrow for another housing review. Location: 411 W. 116th Street Nearby dorms: East Campus Nearby food: […]

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It’s that time of the year again: spring everlasting winter! And that can mean only one thing—the annual installment of Bwog’s housing reviews.  Today, we bring you the lowdown on the most aptly named dorm on campus: Broadway. Location: 556 West 114th Street. Housing, facilities, and WikiCU will say 2900 but 556 is what you want to tell the delivery guy. Nearby […]

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It’s that time of the year again: spring everlasting winter! And that can mean only one thing—the annual installment of Bwog’s housing reviews.  Today, we’re channeling the Talking Heads and “taking you to the River.” Location: 628 West 114th Street (colloquially known as River) Nearby dorms: Schapiro, Broadway, Hogan Stores and restaurants: That one Halal cart, Amir’s, M2M, Morton Williams, pretty […]

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It’s that time of the year again: spring everlasting winter! And that can mean only one thing—the annual installment of Bwog’s housing reviews.  And now the coveted EC high-rises. Location: 70 Morningside Dr. Nearby dorms: Wien and Plimpton. Stay home basically. Stores and restaurants: Che Bella, HamDel, Appletree Market, SubsConscious, and in some sense (a hopeful if not particularly accurate sense, Max and […]

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Location: 508 West 114th Street Nearby dorms: John Jay, LLC, Carman, Brownstones, Broadway Stores and restaurants: Strokos, Artopolis, JJs, Hamdel, St. Luke’s (important). It’s basically on Amsterdam, but the blocks immediately around it aren’t the most happening. Cost: $9,470/year (same as Claremont, EC, Hogan, Watt, Woodbridge, SIC’s, and Brownstones. More money than last year.) Amenities: Bathrooms: Two full baths […]

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