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Believe it or not, while you’re hiding under your covers avoiding high school friends, the world is still going on, somewhere, and we continue to believe that it is rotating around NYC and, specifically, our very own Columbia.  Here’s what’s been happening outside of your house: In 2012, murders were at an all-time low, non-Apple […]
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In case you haven’t checked your email since the last day of finals, a new registration window for spring classes opens tomorrow. From January 8th through January 11th and from January 14th through January 18th, you’ll be able to search for a better Music Hum time slot and reconsider that Renaissance art seminar you were […]
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If you’re a resident of Broadway, EC, the Brownstones, Carman, Furnald, Hartley, River, Schapiro, or UAH, there’s a chance that a Housing official will be hanging out in your room sometime over break. From January 9th through January 16th, Housing is conducting a “Housing Accommodations Survey” that will include entering student living spaces. (After struggling […]
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Semester In Review

Sated by parent’s box-wine and home-cooking, Bwog now casts a nostalgic gaze backward, and tries to connect the dots of news from this past semester. Here is Bwog’s song of the year for some musical accompaniment.  The diversity of experience ensures a diversity of historical interpretation, but Bwog, unable to take off its “new media” […]
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Cardomat is closing, and that means two things. One, the end of Cardomat’s interminable signs; and two, the availability of primo Broadway retail space. We called, but nobody picked up. Send word if you ascertain what’s going to replace it before we do.
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We’re not sure about you, but Bwog woke up this morning thinking 2013 would be different. We had high hopes that everything we wanted would come with this new year and all our wishes would be fulfilled. And then we checked SSOL, and grades were still missing. 2013 has come, and nothing has changed. In […]
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Several traveling tipsters have reported the awesome new MTA app will make your downtown ventures that much easier. The MTA Subway Time app basically displays the exact same information that’s on the overhead station clocks—the projected train arrival times, including any delays—except on your phone. As the helpful image to the right illustrates, you can see […]
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The next Mark Zuckerberg works in CUIT, and he’s created a social network exclusively for Columbia students. This isn’t your grandmother’s Courseworks, with its “graphical log-in.” This is a cutting-edge social network. Every Columbia student now has a profile (just click on “Profile” under “My Workspace”). Here, you can list “Personal Information” (favorite TV shows, […]
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Update: Spec has returned from its time off/defeated the malware, and is no longer blocked by Google Chrome. At last, your endless cycle of Top Sites surfing is complete again. Apparently not all Columbians appreciate the ideas of “break” and “being away” and keep coming back to check campus news like addicts to an opium den.  We […]
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It may come as a shock, but the University of Havana (North) currently offers no philosophy class devoted to our patron saint, Karl Marx. Sure, half of the courses here analyze things “from a Marxist perspective” but there is no class that takes an in-depth look at Marx’s philosophy and its relationship to Hegel’s. But […]
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Bwog Out

Like the government trying to solve the extremely important problem of the fiscal cliff before the end of the year, Bwog is doing the responsible thing and going on vacation.  We sincerely hope that you all have a relaxing break, whether you’re at home, actually on vaca, or hanging out in Morningside.  Enjoy your time […]
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For Christmas, Bwog asked (once again) some of our favorite people–who make life easier at the very least more exciting–what they want for non-denominational end-of-the-year/world gift giving.  See how you can make them so happy they could puke! Deantini is still hoping for that Ferrari 250 GTO (as last year Santa failed to deliver once again), but, […]
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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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Such an amazing piece! Thanks for sharing your knowledge (read more)
A Fabulous Mess: Discovering The American Diva
September 30, 2024
Amazing writing, diva! (read more)
A Fabulous Mess: Discovering The American Diva
September 30, 2024
Thank you Danielis for this beautiful review <3 wellness!! (read more)
A Fabulous Mess: Discovering The American Diva
September 30, 2024

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