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The Barnard administration, in conjunction with SGA, has just released a statement announcing that student groups will no longer need to get their flyers approved and stamped by Barnard before posting them on Barnard bulletin boards. The reversal comes after both SGB and ABC, the two governing boards that represent virtually every student group at […]
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Last week saw the triumphant victory of UAW Local 2110. Bwog’s Resourceful Barnard Bureau Roberta Barnett now reports on a development. Following the success of the “Students Support Barnard Workers” campaign, the organization has moved on to its next task.  The group will now fight alongside former workers of Indus Valley in their quest to […]
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Morningside Heights has slowly been transforming into a spooky place for the holiday season. Bwog endured the fright caused by this metamorphosis to snatch some photos of the changes.
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I bet you’re wondering how Bwog knew about your plans to break curfew. Well, we heard it through the grapevine, along with these upcoming events from the TIC office. Campus Events: CUP’s A Bright Room Called Day. Friday and Saturday at 8 pm.$5 CUID. ShakeShorts-ShortShakes. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 8 pm. Free. Dance Marathon Halloween Party. […]
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Today marks the Columbia Alumni Association’s Columbia Giving Day, an online fundraising event with cute videos on its own YouTube channel. So far the stats show some interesting trends, as SEAS leads the “Main Match Challenge,” Athletics is its own school, and the School of Continuing Education leads in percentage participation. Here’s the top 10 list […]
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Yesterday, a tipster had a conversation with a woman on the cleaning staff in Wallach. Our tipster wished her a good morning and said that he appreciated her work. Though this isn’t the typical way in which overheards on Bwog work, her response was too heartwarming not to share: Sweetie, I love my job. I […]
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Tipsters have reported that there is significant leak in a computer lab on the 5th floor of Schermerhorn Hall. Computers had to be moved and trash cans were used to retain the water. One writes that “it looked like a pipe had broken on one of the top floors of the building. There was so […]
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How many seasons of your favorite Netflix show were you hoping to watch this weekend? Subtract a few episodes from that count, because Bwog’s Killer Art Buff, Kyra Bloom, is bringing you more exciting and sociable cultural options. If you know of a relevant arts-related event, email Today A private, college-only viewing of Regarding Warhol: Sixty […]
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is expected to issue a statement regarding a temporary ceasefire. Friday begins the Eid al-Adha holiday, and we can’t blame anyone for wanting a four-day weekend. (CBS) Confirming our childhood fears of Jaws, an alleged great white shark killed a 39-year-old surfer yesterday. Cue John Williams. (LATimes) In the fungal meningitis […]
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SGA met last night at its usual time and place with a few more males in the audience than usual (still single digits, but we’re getting there). What began as a meeting centered around the business of being well devolved into a meeting about the business of the campus and its not-so-well posting policies. Bwog’s […]
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Sandwich lovers, prepare yourselves. Barnard’s Big Sub is tonight at 7, basically all over its campus. The sub is a whopping 713 feet long this year. Bwog’s insider intel recommends staking out your favorite section at least 15 minutes early for the most prime experience of this monstrous meal. Even if you’re not hungry (come […]
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Public Safety is blocking off access to the Barnard Hall annex, and NYPD detectives are inside the building. Bwog understands that the building is full of dance studios and classroom space. Barnard’s Director of Media Relations, Sun Min, told Bwog that she cannot comment on the ongoing investigation. We’ll update as the story develops.
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I have never had the opportunity to explore this place. But for now, I’d just like to say that your (read more)
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You and your suite-mates did a very thorough, conscientious job. In the process, maybe you learned a sad truth about (read more)
Our Dorms Are Not Clean
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Was devastated to miss the game but this coverage makes up for it! Such detailed commentary - I feel like (read more)
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October 11, 2024
Was devastated to miss the game but this bwog post makes up for it! So detailed - I feel like (read more)
Columbia Men’s Soccer Secures Their First Win Of The Season Against Yale
October 11, 2024

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