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Select Your Swag

Alice! Health Promotion launched a poll yesterday evening in which students can write in and vote on new items. When the votes are in, Alice! will turn your clicking into free swag and give out the most popular choices. Current options range from the popular “Umbrella” to the mystifying “Sleep Mist.” Make sure to click View […]
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A month ago, the Dean announced on Bwog that the winner of our nicknaming contest would win lunch with him, and a place at an unveiling ceremony bearing his new epithet. Yesterday, Columbia’s most powerful brand mogul, Ivan Duschatzky, SEAS ’13, joined Dean Valentini for Milano (chicken parm for Ivan, grilled chicken for the Dean). Bwog […]
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Starting at noon today on Lehman Walk, students will protest the recent changes to the Barnard tuition policy. Organizers ask that attendees and those who wish to show their solidarity wear the color red and change their facebook profile pictures to the Stand Up Barnard graphic (available on the facebook event page). 300 people say they’re attending, […]
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Bloomberg stopped by OWS yesterday evening to tell protesters that if they don’t tidy up the property on which they’re protesting, they will have to leave on friday so a cleaning crew can do the work for them. (DNAInfo) In other OWS news, our very own, clean-cut Jeffrey Sachs made a brief speech at the […]
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Where Art Thou?

October means more than just beer—it means theatre. Bwog’s weekly feature Where Art Thou? provides a list of theater, arts, and culture events that are happening in the Columbia community and beyond every weekend. If you’d like to advertise your Oktoberfest-themed event here, too, please email Thursday Quarto’s Literary Open Mic, 8pm – 10pm in 413 Dodge. […]
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Dear Bwog: PDA PSA

Dear Bwog returns once again to help you solve your collegiate quandaries. We’ve taken on the Hellevator, and the delirious cram sesh. Below, Bubbe Bwog answers another pressing question: Are you just sleepy and bitter, or is there a line one (two) can cross as a Butler couple? And yes, these are real emails tipped to Bwog. Share […]
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In a reversal of yesterday’s free food deluge, pick up a free dessert and some hot chocolate first in the East Campus 2nd floor lounge from 5:00 to 6:00 pm, for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (among other things).  Then, once you’ve filled up, head down to Times Square to participate in a special lighting ceremony […]
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Think your first round of midterms is stressful? At least your parents aren’t in town—note the following exchange between a macho-looking father and his Furnaldian son. The dialogue took place in a Furnald hallway, whilst the father pointed toward the dorm’s notorious resident condom bag. Father: So, have you been utilizing these condominiums? Son: Uhh, yeah. […]
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Most people like to eat. Most people do not like to spend money, hence our free food tips. A great lover of free food has been revealed to us and now reports regularly on the quality, quantity, and pizazz of free food events around campus. Read on as The Scrounger treks across Broadway to Lehman Lawn to get […]
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PrezBo generously shared his mansion and manservant with some lucky lottery winners at his first Fireside Chat last night from 6 to 7:30 pm. Bwog’s Conor Skelding, ever eager to enter 60 Morningside Drive, stopped by to watch his fellow students waffle between demonizing and deifying their president-for-life. 5:57 to 6:35 pm was spent mingling around a central snack […]
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Need a proper incentive to start networking? In case getting professional help on creating a LinkedIn profile isn’t particularly high on your list of immediate priorities, hopefully some free pizza at LinkedIn Labs in the Center for Career Education, Conference Room might provide some motivation. The session, as well as the free food, lasts from 12:30 to […]
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Tuition drama? Talk of co-sponsorships? Debt? Peter Sterne held his own at Monday night’s action-packed SGA meeting; here’s the rundown. A-Hinks stopped by to answer questions about Barnard’s new full-time enrollment policy. She stressed that Barnard has always expected students to enroll as full-time students for all eight semesters, though they have granted exceptions in […]
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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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