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Citi, Tony Blair, and the Senate have all been hacked. Don’t let the women of Barnard be next! We already told you why it was important that you use encrypted WiFi, back when Columbia launched its secure network. Directions on how to log in to “Barnard Secure” are included in the e-mail to students below. […]
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Crazy news, good peoples: Claude M. Steele—University Provost and person whose name you’ve seen on emails so often you feel like you know him—has resigned. Stanford, former home to Steele for nearly two decades, offered him the position of Dean of the School of Education. Steele had only just arrived at Columbia from Stanford in 2009. […]
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Registration is Open

A friendly reminder that you can register for fall classes for a week from today through June 24! Ideally, in mid-June not everyone is sitting at their computer desperately trying to get into Music Hum, so pounce on that place now. Are we having fun yet?
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Earthshaking news, people: “SEAS” will no longer be called “SEAS.” Instead, as of Fall 2011, it will be “CE” for “Columbia Engineering.” Yes, gone are the days of probing your new NSOP buddy with the pleasingly assonant phrase, “CC or SEAS?” The Student Affairs Orientation page reads: The first newsletter to Columbia College (CC) and […]
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The summer issue of The Blue & White has introduced you to Brian Greene, an underworld on fire, and Westside ninjas. Now, in the final of three Bluenotes, our field notes from campus, senior editor Claire Sabel scandalizes us with the liebestod of one of the university’s architects. It’s material that genuinely earnest tour guides […]
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The class of ’81 dined in style in the Ref Room Saturday night. Incidentally, Post-It notes debuted world-wide in 1981. They always seem to come up at reunions. Not a yellow zone tonight!
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Bwog is languidly clearing our virtual newsdesk today, bringing you a selection of interesting and possibly relevant headlines from the past few weeks. We hope that these stories, tenuously connected to Columbia, will reflect a similar degree of detachment from the establishment in your minds. One of the undercover cops in Operation Ivy League was […]
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If you didn’t get a chance to pick up a copy of the May issue of The Blue & White on campus, you can still peruse the highlights. You’re still reading Bwog after all, June be damned! This Last month’s Measure for Measure, the magazine’s literary section, features an essay from first-time contributor Diana Clarke, […]
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Nixon the skate, snow, and surf lifestyle brand that is. You can join forces with them by purchasing one of these dorky Beastie Boy themed watches. Proceeds from sales of the “Time Teller” (retailing at $85) will be donated to Columbia’s radio station, WKCR. Apparently the Beastie Boys chose the radio station as the beneficiary […]
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The May issue of The Blue & White serves up a doubleheader of Butler-themed Bluenotes. You can read below about the Soviet imagery of the lobby’s mural, in the companion feature from the magazine’s curious field notes. Here, staff writer Chris Brennan tackles an aural and architectural phenomenon. The residents of Butler can be a […]
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It may be June, but the May issue of The Blue & White lives on. In Bluenotes, the magazine staff explore those smaller oddities of our campus and neighborhood, which catch our eyes from time to time. This month, the gazes of two staff writers were particularly caught by Butler Library (you don’t say?!) First […]
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The late John W. Kluge, CC ’37, generously donated to Columbia. By generously we mean he doled out more than $500 million to Columbia over the course of his life. Once the richest man in America, Kluge made a ridiculous amount of money, and gave most of it away. But the TV mogul kept some cash […]
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This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can even (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024
This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can actually (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024
This is crazy because I also went apple picking! (read more)
Field Notes: Apple Edition
October 8, 2024

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