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We’ve reached an interesting point in the spring semester—the two-week lull before all hell breaks loose during finals. Though things may be moving a bit slower, no event is too boring for Boringside! Plus, when else would we get to post gratuitous links like this one?
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In our new feature, Bwog goes behind the scenes, discovering the hidden joys of working at or around Columbia University. In our first exploration of pretend real life, Senior Labor Correspondent Katheryn Thayer followed Jordan Lord in his sweet setup at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library (Take Bwog to Work Day was actually on […]
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Sometimes conversations just feel like a giant game of Telephone. We wonder what Freud would have to say about this misunderstanding… In the serving line for Bhakti Club‘s Tuesday night dinners: Server 1: Didn’t I tell you? I had to stop being a vegetarian because I was…*mumble mumble* Server 2: A eunuch? Server 1: Nooo, anemic. The Sultana […]
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In case you’re wondering what all the colorful commotion on Low Plaza is, it’s Hangama 2011, a mock Pakistani wedding held by Columbia’s Organization of Pakistani Students and NYU’s Pakistani Students Association. Held on Low Plaza, the mock wedding is between a Columbia bride and an NYU groom who arrives to meet her on horseback! […]
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Bwog hops a lot—it’s how we get our exercise! This week, we kept up with our New Year’s Resolution and lecturehopped our way over to the Italian Academy to the 14th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Form: Crisis in State Budgets. Bwog Budget Bureau Chief (seriously, someone has to regulate our snack […]
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As the end of the semester and graduation approach, we all start to ponder our futures. Jobs? Internships? The real world is a scary place, especially when all you can think about is whether you’ll pass your swim test. Stop worrying, Saturday Morning Cartoons has got your back. So sit back, relax, and peep these ‘toons. […]
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Gone with the Wind

Morningside Heights’ bipolar weather has taken a turn for the blustery today. Tipster Matt Horwitz tells us that today’s pesky wind got the better of one tent at the street fair on Broadway going on right now. Apparently, the wind blew the tent away, cruelly causing it to tear on a street sign and nearly […]
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The Abacchalypse brings you…more hip hop! After an exciting Battle 4 Bacchanal, CUSH (Columbia University Society of Hip-Hop) came out on top. (Spec) A 12-year-old Indiana middle schooler is arrested…over spilled milk. We kid you not, this tween was arrested by a police officer after refusing to clean up spilled milk in his school cafeteria. […]
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Left in Northwest Corner Library on the top floor. Reward to finder. Please contact!
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Your unaffiliated with TBTN Bwog Editor Claire Sabel and trusty reporter Alex Jones took part in the march (well, strolled alongside it on the sidewalk, at the request of the organizers.) They were surprised and touched by the levels of engagement and enthusiasm. A summary of their observations follows. Last night an estimated 800 participants […]
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If you like free hors d’oeuvres and challenges to dominant Eurocentric discourses, you should check out the Africa-Diaspora Literary Society’s Gallery of Perspectives: Artwork & Creative Writing on Africa & Diaspora tonight at 8pm in the Malcolm X Lounge (Hartley 106). In addition to a reception featuring hors d’oeuvres, chai tea, and sparkling cider, there […]
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Why is Columbia so violent? The Clash of the Classes continues unabated, the Battle for IAB ended in an indecisive slaughter, everyone is preparing for the upcoming Penny War, and tonight’s the Battle of the Bands! There are ten nine contestants, but only one will be victorious and perform during the Abacchalypse. It’s like the Highlander, if […]
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The new bioengineering building is under constitution at the medical center. (read more)
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If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
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Love the new biomedical building under construction at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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