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Posts Tagged with "Havana Central"

Havana Central, rest in peace. The West End, rest in peace. Bernheim and Schwartz, the new restaurant and beer hall opening up on Broadway looks almost done from the exterior; it has new sidewalk, a new sign, and has started to enclose its outdoor seating area. The restaurant is hiring, which is good because we […]

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While you’re sweating over data entry and filling coffee cups in your summer internship, you might look back at those strange, wild memories of Butler Library dominating the four a.m. sky as you walked from drudgery to sleep and pine for a return to the college life. Don’t worry. We’re here to give you every minute […]

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Are you enjoying your summer job? A Columbia student is working as mermaid-stripper called Naiad at an undercover strip club in New York. (NYT) A U.S. Army Captain stationed in Afghanistan made a surprise appearance at his daughter’s class day. Make sure you grab a Kleenex before you watch. (NY Daily News) Morton B. Friedman, […]

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The evening began informally with Olivia Harris, CC ’14, jiving around the small stage, which was enough to put any audience member in a good mood.  She sassily sang along to the classic songs the band was playing, making us wish we could have heard more of her voice later on in the preview.  When the full cast […]

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Broke? Hungry? Luckily, you’ve got quite a number of  options to chose from tonight and we’re here to help you navigate the smorgasbord of free food at your fingertips. At NYClash, teams from Columbia, Fordham, NYU, and Rutgers square off on an eternal question that has perplexed many a puzzled pre-frosh: Liberal Arts or Engineering? […]

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We all know that Morningside Heights contains a lot of good eats, but they haven’t always been taken seriously. Bwog’s Senior Foodie Diana Clarke reports that this is changing. Our beloved neck of the woods is finally getting the culinary recognition it truly deserves from city’s blogosphere. Click the Morningside Heights tag on the excellent […]

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Last night, Alex Jones, a Bwogger who wonders what the Beats would think about an official CCSC debate in their once-legendary hangout, checked out the Spec-sponsored Q&A. The three parties running for the CCSC Executive Board in next week’s elections went head-to-head at Havana Central… The master of ceremonies, Sam Roth, took almost a minute […]

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CSA will serve free food from Havana Central and hold a raffle for movie tickets during their Open House from 12 pm to 4 pm today in 403 Lerner. They’ll also offer 15-minute meetings, no appointments necessary. Remember— class registration is form April 11th to 15th. There’s nothing like the fiery taste of authentic Cuban cuisine […]

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A person in a group of people smoking outside Havana: I know smoking is shitty…but you should be able to do shitty things to yourself. Outside Broadway: Person 1: Hey, you have smokes? Person 2: Yeah, I unquit. Life’s too short to live any longer. People are so topical.

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Havana Central owner Jeremy Merrin is profiled by the Post for his outrage at a City Council proposal that would require him to offer all his employees paid sick days. Whether the proposal would affect Senior Night is unclear. (NYP) Two British men face sentencing today for running an illegal, DIY sperm bank out of […]

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Bwog crowded into the mystical back room of Havana Central to see the preview of The 116th Annual Varsity Show. Upon receiving an invitation to a student production, every administrator must blanch with fear. Given the last two Varsity Shows’ penchant for administrative caricatures, it’s a wonder Deans Shollenberger and Denburg showed up at all. […]

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Bwog has been alerted that Havana Central, bastion of all things edible and Cuban, will be accepting Flex starting in early June, which is great…if you plan to hang around a month after finals. At least summer sessioners and students returning next fall will be able to pretend that they are using a credit card. […]

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Last night, a bunch of Bwog’s closest friends met up at Havana “West End” Central to make merry and make fools out of themselves in this old blog’s honor. While the antics remained slightly more subdued than we would have wanted, drunken mingling hit an all-time high. This was some hardcore mingling, man. And of course, we […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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