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The Elections Board has released the full set of candidates for this year’s CCSC elections, and there are lots them! Nearly every election is contested. Five parties and an independent rep, are vying to represent 2013, while three full parties are each gunning for 2014 class council and the E-board. The race for the 2012 […]
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The Columbia Neuroscience Society is hosting a career panel with prominent neuropathologists and neurosurgeons, including a few Columbia professors. Being (future) brain surgeons, they know how to get Columbians to come to their events: they’re offering free sandwiches, drinks, and cookies from Subway. Whether you’re already planning where to go to med school, or you […]
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Judith Scott-Clayton, assistant professor at Teachers College, suggests that offering college students too many choices leads to frustration and procrastination and proposes instead giving college students more structure. Because no one ever procrastinates in Core classes! (NYT) Some schools pay their commencement speakers tons of money. Maybe POTUS should start having some bake sales? (NYT) If […]
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Location: 508 W. 114th St. Nearby dorms: John Jay, LLC, Carman. Same block as a bunch of frat/sorority houses and Broadway Residence Hall. Stores and restaurants: Nearly everything, especially on Amsterdam. Strokos is basically next door, and you’re just a short walk from HamDel, Artopolis, and Columbia Cottage. Cost: $8,324 (same as EC, Hogan, Watt, […]
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Barnard College Radio WBAR has just announced the lineup for WBAR-B-Q, the 18th edition of its annual concert and outdoor barbecue! The staff are pretty hyped about it, calling it “the most spectacular WBAR-B-Q ever.” From 3 to 11 pm on Friday, April 15, you can expect lots of free food, games, and giveaways on […]
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Bwog has hopped, poked, and swiftly skimmed but now we’re inviting other writers into the Bwog Bubble. We think there’s lots of fantastic campus journalism out there that sometimes slips under the radar. In the spirit of Enlightenment salons from centuries past, we present our newest feature, BwogSalon. Bwog asked the editors of each publication on campus to send us […]
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Free Food!

Eat free pizza, not computers. ADI (you know, the group of cool cats who brought you DevFest) is hosting a ”Meet & Greet” this evening from 6 to 8 pm in the Botwinick (Gateway) Lab on the 12th floor of Mudd. We hear that pizza and drinks will be served, pleasantries and small talk will be […]
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As we’re sure you know, the Abacchalypse is fast approaching—just five weeks away! Next Thursday’s Bacchanal Artist Release Party at Havana Central will reveal the mystery performers for this year’s show. Faithful Bwog commenters have predicted various artists, but we’d like to stir the pot just a bit more. Unlike last year’s week of Chewbacchanal […]
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Now that we’re all back from Spring Break, those of us who vacationed in warmer climes can finally give up on those silly beach body diets. But, we hear going from eating celery and water everyday to Five Guys burgers can be a little hard on the tummy. We advise baby steps, and Cooking with […]
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You might not know the following figure—but you should. In Campus Characters, the Blue & White introduces you to a handful of Columbians who are up to interesting and extraordinary things and whose stories beg to be shared. If you’d like to suggest a Campus Character, send us an email at Staff writer Liz Jacob profiles Phillip […]
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Prepare to skip the lecture you never go to anyway—suite selection times are up, and yours probably conflicts with your schedule. In case the horror of viewing your lottery number over Spring Break caused you to suppress all memory of the Housing interwebz, here’s how to find your oddly-scheduled (12:06 pm? Really?) selection time: Log onto […]
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History Professor Eric Foner strikes gold—for the second time! Yesterday, Columbia University awarded the Bancroft Prize to Foner for his book “The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery.” Thanks to CU, Foner will also receive $10,000 (!) in prize money. Damn, it must feel good to be a Tweedster. (ABC News) There’s good food in […]
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The new bioengineering building is under constitution at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
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Is Lafayette really a ranked team? (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
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Love the new biomedical building under construction at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
September 21, 2024
I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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