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Kanye West, Ghostface Killah, Of Montreal, Outkast, [Your Name Here]! Don’t miss your chance to fulfill your fantasies by opening for Bacchanal’s headliner. Today is the last day for Columbia musicians to enter the CU Records Battle 4 Bacchanal. Selected bands will compete on April 15th, and the winner of the competition will open for Bacchanal’s main […]
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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege and luxury we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus that will hopefully make you realize how lucky we are to be here. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full […]
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Today was the day lottery numbers were supposed to go up. Instead Housing broke your heart a few days early. Not to worry though, today still offers plenty in housing drama! Barnard Lottery Numbers They’re out! Log onto Res Life Portal to find out your number/fate. Breakdown of Lottery Numbers Check out PDFs with charts […]
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Demi Free Food is offering 50% off (up to $15) your next three purchases when you enter the coupon code “EAT50” at checkout. The deal lasts until March 31st, so order up now. Melodic allusion via Wikimedia.
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The Final Countdown

Sorry kids, Spring Break is over. The seven weeks between now and the end of the semester give you just enough time to let that suntan fade while you camp out in Butler (but do it ethically!). While you’re waiting for the return of lighter hues, here’s what to look forward to. (For added drama, […]
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A hodgepodge of headlines graced Bwog’s virtual news desk this week. Sexless and the City: Web Warps Libidos of Coked-up Careerists. What a lede! Money quote: “Sex is antithetical to the way they socialize, disruptive to the larger plan, a gateway to chaos in a digitally ordered world.” Basically all of us twenty-somethings are sexless […]
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Location: 2900 Broadway (actual entrance on 114th, shared with Hogan) Nearby dorms: Hogan, Ruggles, Carman. Worth noting that Broadway shares an entrance with Hogan. Stores and restaurants: Close to Lerner and Butler, across the street from Amir’s, Havana, International. Morton’s is only a block away across Broadway. Cost: $6,718 (same as Furnald, McBain, Schapiro, Wien) […]
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Location: 566 W. 114th Nearby dorms: Broadway, Ruggles, Carman. Worth noting that Hogan shares an entrance with the Broadway residence hall, so occupants get similar amenities to Broadway. Stores and restaurants: Close to Lerner and Butler, across the street from Amir’s, Havana, International. Morton’s is only a block away across Broadway. Cost: $8,324 (same as […]
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Today is not Sunday, the 20th of March. It is not the last day of break. Classes do not start tomorrow. There is not a pile of undone homework and reading waiting for your return from your week long va/staycation. There is not a Bwog meeting tonight at 7 pm in the SGO, 5th floor […]
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Columbia just never seems to be satisfied with their Web presence. The SEAS site recently got refreshed— by our count the fourth redesign of this year. (For those keeping score, first came Cubmail, followed by the main page, and then Barnard.) Talk about vanity/ vigilance! The SEAS site was actually revamped just 18 months ago. In this […]
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Location: 549 W. 113th Street Nearby dorms: Across the street from Symposium and McBain.  Next to (but on the opposite side of the block from) Broadway and Hogan. Stores and restaurants: All the same locations as McBain and Nussbaum. Cost: $8,324 (same as EC, Ruggles, Hogan, Woodbridge) Amenities: Bathrooms: Individual bathrooms in each suite/single. AC/Heating: […]
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How many guys does it take to keep a door shut? None, just a chair apparently. But really, Five Guys has been closed for what seems like forever. We’ll give you updates as soon as we hear!
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Senior Wisdom: SB

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#tbt: Obama

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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