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With midterms madness, Bwog sometimes forgets it’s a national citizen. A few months ago we tried to sort through the lame duck congress that soared, and now we’re back covering the craziness on Capitol Hill. Bwog probs shouldn’t be your go-to source for national news, but things are happening in the world outside of Morningside […]
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Exciting news from our friends at Bacchanal. On April 15th, they’re teaming up with CU Records to hold a battle of the bands competition in order to select the opening act for this year’s spring concert. You have until midnight on March 18th to submit a recorded track, or arrange to audition live. The only […]
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Free Dessert

Doubts about your summer plans making your tummy tremble? Post up in 502 Lerner tonight at 9 pm for free cookies, cupcakes and milk at an info session for Ivy Summer Management Program hosted by Jeremy Slawin CC ’11 and Shelly Xu CC ’13. Then, head over to the Relay For Life Kickoff in 101 Diana Center, inside […]
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Six weeks ago, JJ’s place introduced an a la carte option for those who wanted to buy a quick snack without using a meal. JJ’s aimed to have 250 customers and/or $1500 in sales per week. However, over the 6 weeks it has been open, the new service has attracted only 91 customers and $625.77 […]
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Glenn Hubbard, Dean of the Business School, and David Schizer, Dean of the Law School, have issued public statements in favor of ROTC’s return. These are the highest level University administrators to have taken a stance on this topic. We expect Dean Hubbard’s statement to be posted on the BSchool website shortly, and Dean Schizer’s […]
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In the latest installment of BwogSex, two intrepid students take SGO from a place for business to a place for business time. Don’t forget to send in your sexy questions, sultry comments and erotic (mis)adventures to our annoymous submission box. Publications and student government groups, please forgive me: I had sex in SGO. “Why? How?” you may ask, and I shall […]
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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege and luxury we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus that will hopefully make you realize how lucky we are to be here. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full […]
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CCSC met. Brian Wagner reports: • Learned started the meeting with a “REALLY CRITICAL VOTE” on which movie should win the Oscar for Best Picture. The results: “Okay, there were 10 votes for Inception and 8 votes for Black Swan, so Black Swan wins!” • Casino Night is this Friday. Bwog urges you to learn […]
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Finding out who won last night’s Oscars is interesting and all, but ogling who crashed and burned is a blast. (USMagazine, E!, Fox) In upstate New York a “Cold-War era plane with a dragon’s face painted on its nose” crashed into the Hudson. Bwog continues to remind you to neither swim in nor pilot your antiques into […]
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These passages are excerpted from an editorial published in The Harvard Crimson last week. The anonymous essay, “I Am Fine,” resonated with us, and we thought you might find it interesting too. “Hey, how’s it going?” “OhmygodIamsoooobusyIhavethreepsetsandtwopaperstowritetonightbutitistotallyfine.” I filled my schedule with clubs, activities, and classes to avoid the isolation I felt when I was […]
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What do Colin Firth, Natalie Portman and Emma Watson have in common? They won’t be getting free food at Bwog’s meeting tonight. You can! Come to Bwog’s meeting before you watch the Oscars at the SGO in Lerner at 7 p.m.!
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A sign of the Abacchalypse?
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Let Them Eat Cake

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Where Art Thou?

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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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This is crazy because I also went apple picking! (read more)
Field Notes: Apple Edition
October 8, 2024
as someone who has class at tc and then at barnard, cut through milbank on 119th instead of going through (read more)
15 Minutes: A Story Of Trials And Tribulations
October 8, 2024
shoutout GEOLOGYYYY (read more)
Burrito Stratigraphy
October 6, 2024
Great article. I would like to mention that a HAIR (long hair) was found in my Hooda while I was (read more)
Hooda-palooza: Campus Food Truck Review
October 5, 2024

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