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Posts Tagged with "introducing the class of 2015"

Bwog happened upon a freshman living in an upperclassman dorm who doesn’t have a meal plan and wasn’t pre-registered for Core classes—what’s going on here? That’s what we were wondering, too. Chief Freshperson Scrutineer Alexandra Avvocato investigates. Bwog: So I hear rumors that you’re currently living in Broadway. How exactly did that happen? Forgotten Freshman: […]

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Every war produces heroes, and this summer’s battle over delayed housing assignments that broke out on the Facebook page for the Class of 2015 is no exception. Bwog is profiling some the most famous and infamous personalities involved that social media shitstorm. In Top of Their Class, you can read about some of the people […]

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Given the predisposition of 2015 to Facebook and the general madness that is a Columbia pre-frosh page, Bwog is profiling the famous and infamous stars of social media. In Top of Their Class, you can read about some of the people you met on the Internet, on the Internet. Name: Austin Akins Famous for: Planning […]

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The advent of social networking brought radical new social dynamics to freshpeople interaction in the form of class-wide facebook groups. The Blue & White has discussed the discarded walls of years past, and explored the legend of everyman Aaron Phillips. This summer, delayed housing assignments precipitated an unprecedented maelstrom of activity on the 2015 page, […]

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Consent is still sexy at the NSOP HQ. We’ve heard from freshpersons about the classic Class Act and the first Lit Hum class, and now we’re getting down to the saucy stuff. Bijan Samareh, CC’15 consented to report: Attention all first years! If you missed yesterday’s Consent 101 and Branching Out With Health Services seminars, […]

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Alison Herman, CC’15, was dutifully in attendance yesterday afternoon. She keeps it short and sweet below. N.B. Christia Mercer is a Bright Eyes fan. At 2:30 sharp on Tuesday, over a thousand Columbia College freshpeople and one intrepid reporter packed themselves into Roone Arledge Auditorium for their first-ever college lecture. With the help of a […]

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Bwog’s freshest freshperson correspondent Marcus Levine reports from last night’s annual NSOP event. Relive the naive skepticism below. The Class of 2015 has not had a smooth ride into college. From harrowing lines for bagged lunch in John Jay, to a canceled Convocation, practically every member of our incoming class has been affected by the […]

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