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When they’re not rocking out or helping the community, Columbia faculty enjoy pushing the frontiers of science. Bwog takes a moment to look back on this week in science. Headlines were compiled by our Northside Correspondent Ricky Raudales. Columbia’s medical superstar, Dr. Oz, known by many for his appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show, encourages Americans to […]
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Tipster Sara Cervantes sent in this adorable photograph answering Holden Caufield’s eternal question– where do the Central Park ducks go when their lagoon freezes over? Photo by Sara Cervantes
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ADI is hosting a free lunch at 12:30 in the Davis Auditorium of Schapiro for the conclusion of their week long DevFest. Sources claim there will be one hundred Milano sandwiches for the taking! At 1:00, the demos begin and teams will present their projects to a general audience, including reps from local startups. Then, […]
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The USenate’s ROTC Task Force‘s first town hall style hearing  will be held tomorrow night, from 8 – 10 PM in 417 International Affairs Building (Altschul Auditorium).  Sharyn O’Halloran, Chair of the Senate Executive Committee, will be making the opening remarks. The point of the hearings is to “hear the community voice,” said Ron Mazor, […]
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It’s Super Bowl Sunday, which means it’s time to make your predictions! If you’re not into the whole sports thing, you can predict other stuff too. What shape will the pasties be? (Suntimes, MTV, ESPN) According to some, Ivy style will be making a comeback this spring. Not to brag or anything, but we totally called […]
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Right-hand glove with tan lining inside. It is very warm and I miss it! I think it is somewhere in IAB. Please email if found.
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Lily Icangelo was there! I knew nothing about Julia Wolfe before attending her Composer Portrait at Miller Theatre Thursday night, but after just two brilliant pieces and a brief talk from Wolfe herself, I felt as if I had known her and her music for many years. Wolfe first gained recognition after taking part in […]
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NoCo in Pictures

In case you haven’t noticed, Bwog is kinda a fan of NoCo, a.k.a. the Northwest Corner Building. Check out some photos of our beloved building!
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On Thursday night, Simon Schama, University Professor and renowned intellectual about town, delivered the first half of a two-part public lecture, “Obama’s America: War.” Victoria Wills was there to witness the elusive history legend! The day I was accepted into Columbia, my high school History teacher congratulated me by yelling down the hallway: “Get me […]
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In case you don’t follow sports (though we prefer the term “athletically apathetic”), the Super Bowl is tomorrow, and Morningside Heights is rising to the occasion. If you know about any other Super Bowl-themed deals, let us know in the comments! In other news, CCSC President Learned Foote broke the handle of the door to […]
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Radically transparent Bwog correspondent Alex Jones reports from yesterday’s panel discussion on Wikileaks, which featured Bill Keller, executive editor of the New York Times , and Alan Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian . Audience members flew around the digital world on their phones–likely checking for the latest updates and videos from the democratic unrest in Egypt–as […]
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These times, they are a-changin’. Saturday Morning Cartoons keeps you up to date on cutting edge technology. Now if only there were an app for recording your night, post-blackout… Cartoons by Jody Zellman
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What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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Such an amazing piece! Thanks for sharing your knowledge (read more)
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Amazing writing, diva! (read more)
A Fabulous Mess: Discovering The American Diva
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Thank you Danielis for this beautiful review <3 wellness!! (read more)
A Fabulous Mess: Discovering The American Diva
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Columbia victory was powered by many factors, including: 1 Poppe and staff had guys well prepared 2 Not 1 but (read more)
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