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Dear Friends, Please join the staff of The Blue & White (pictured at right) for our meeting tonight, Monday night, at 9:00 p. m. in the basement of St. Paul’s Chapel. Our layout weekend is just around the corner! So tonight we’ll be hearing updates from writers and assigning a few last-minute items. We’ll also […]
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Free Food & Photos!

There’s free food in the Lerner Broadway Room, courtesy of the Columbia University Photography Society and the Weatherhead East Asian Institute. According to Bwog’s very own Hans Hyttinen, there will be fruit, hummus and other Westside goodies. Rejoice! Photo from Wikimedia Commons
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Bwog had the distinct pleasure of interviewing the visionaries behind one of Columbia’s newest (and largest) organizations: the Fun Club. Founded at the start of this semester, the Fun Club is dedicated to simple, free, non-résumé-stuffin’ fun. The brainchild of two seniors, Neil Shahrestani GS’11 and Lior Hemi GS’11, and a sophomore, Nicole Rumore CC’13, […]
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Lucha, a Columbia service group, has constructed a “Border Wall” to commemorate Immigration Week. Located on Low Plaza, the wall represents the US-Mexico border.  Passersby are invited to share their thoughts by writing on the wall. Photos by Conor Skelding
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CCSC: A Discussion

Grant D’Avino reports! Last night’s CCSC meeting opened with introductions, as it was the first meeting that included representatives and officers from the class of 2014. Along with his or her name and position in CCSC, each person was asked to share an adjective that described him or herself at the present. Bwog’s favorites, in […]
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It’s four square! No, not the sketchy social networking site, but the playground game. Relive recess, kids! Spotted by Sarah Ngu
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One of the greatest perks of an Ivy League education is having all sorts of guest lecturers and talks hosted right on campus. Yet many of these great talks are not publicized enough. Enter Bucket List, a weekly feature that aggregates these events in a single location that will hopefully make you realize, like Bwog […]
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Way back in 1492, Columbus landed in the New World. Fun fact: Columbus never actually set foot in North America. He only got as close as the Bahamas (  And remember the Downie Diatribe? Politicians hurl Italian-American slurs and “bring the buffoonery of Jersey Shore” to the Governors race. Perhaps the fist pump is the […]
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This week, the weather goes underwater and then plays squash racquetball. Special thanks to our football team for winning three games in a row, Shira Laucharoen for lending us the camera, John Nordin for the underwater camera, Jackie Smith for filming, and Tiffany Lee aka Vis à Vis. Check out her non-BwogWeather music here. Onward, Weather-Friends!
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Peter Sterne sat down with the anonymous foundress of Cookies on Campus. Cookies on Campus delivers chocolate chip cookies to your door not-for-free! Why did you decide to start a cookie-delivery business? I’m a senior in the College majoring in PoliSci who really likes to bake. I even considered dropping out of Columbia two years […]
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Start spreading the news There’s a meeting today You should want to be a part of it New York, New York The Bwogger in you It is longing to stray Right through the heart of it New York, New York You want to walk up to the SGO On Lerner 5 And find you’re the […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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