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Don’t go to Butler, not like you were planning on it anyway! Four firefighters wielding firefighter-axes just walked into Butler. Everyone else is outside, huddled under umbrellas, complaining about their Art Hum papers. Don’t go to Lerner either, because it’s packed now. If you’re here already: there are free dinner rolls and some casserole-looking thing […]
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Dear Friends, Please join the staff of The Blue & White (pictured at right) for our meeting tonight, Monday night, at 9:00 p. m. in the basement of St. Paul’s Chapel. We’re coming down the home stretch when it comes to planning our next issue—layout is soon! That means we’ll be hearing updates from writers […]
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It’s a rather glum day outside, but nothing will cure a case of the Mondays like tales of sex. In this case, we mean tales of loud, sweaty (and possibly angry) sex! The following is the year’s first installment in what we simply call BwogSex; a collection of questions, answers, anecdotes, advice and erotic miscellany. […]
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One of the greatest perks of an Ivy League education is having all sorts of guest lecturers and talks hosted right on campus. Yet many of these great talks are not publicized enough. Enter Bucket List, a weekly feature that aggregates these events in a single location that will hopefully make you realize, like Bwog […]
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Spotted outside Cardomat Maybe Destiny’s Child will sing about your new T-Shirt—but only if it’s really cool.
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Congratulations, freshpeople-friends! President: Aliza Hassine VP: Nazli Danis Treasurer: Aurora Lende Secretary: Colleen Mulvihill
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Columbians Jordan Schau and Justin Turetsky want you to ride their bus. For $49.99, this magic bus will take you from the Broadway gates to the Lincoln Memorial for Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity and Stephen Colbert’s March to Keep Fear Alive. It’s all happening on October 30th. How’d J&J come up with such an ingenious […]
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There’s a new beta version of the Columbia home page, and it looks spiffy! So much less Columbia blue than its predecessor, so much more Bwog blue! The website was designed entirely in-house with CUIT, took many drafts and about a year and a half to finalize, and was designed to make your life easier. […]
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It’s October 4th, the day of reckoning for Barnard girls in Greek Life. We’ll have coverage of the Town Hall tonight, but first we’ve got some inside info on sorority strategery how sororities are gearing up for the big event. An email circulating among the sisters includes “Facebook status templates” and scripted answers for FAQs.  […]
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All Hallows’ Eve approaches! Morton Williams displays their Halloween cheer with fall foliage, cotton cobwebs and toy tricker-treaters. Those guys are seriously styled, by the way. Love the bow-ties. But don’t worry, Morningside decorations aren’t all this wholesome. In the coming weeks, get ready for trampy vampires, naughty nurses and totally unnecessary thigh highs. If Mean Girls […]
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Oprah makes dreams happen: Columbia crew kids turned chocolatiers snagged an Oprah endorsement and hit it big. Grab your Salsabol and Chocomize bar, and you’ll have a veritable feast courtesy of Columbia’s culinary innovators. Plans for community garden at Frederick Douglass Houses thwarted by management. Bureaucracy: it’s not just at Columbia! Gerald Lesser, chief Sesame […]
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WBAR Showcase 2010

Friday night at the Diana Event Oval, Bwog joined pleasantly not-that-sparse ranks of WBAR fans to see its showcase of campus bands. It was fun! The line-up featured a mix of styles, and included both undergrads and grad students: Puppy Cops Mike Ferraro & The Young Republicans Cloudlicker Dr. Blount Tetractys If your band is […]
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Was devastated to miss the game but this coverage makes up for it! Such detailed commentary - I feel like (read more)
Columbia Men’s Soccer Secures Their First Win Of The Season Against Yale
October 11, 2024
Why tf is Shai Davidai allowed to run around terrorizing students? This guy is an embarrassment to the institution. Not (read more)
Protesters Hold October 7 Walkout On Low Steps And Art Installation On Butler Lawns
October 11, 2024
I stopped adoring squirrels when I found them eating baby robins (read more)
Hate Letter To The Barnard Hall Squirrel Who Terrorizes Everyone
October 11, 2024

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