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Daily Editor Anna Kelner reports that, about half an hour ago, a student was taken away by paramedics after an apparent frisbee accident.   No word yet on the student’s condition.
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We’ve got it straight from the horse’s mouth; according to Bacchanal co-President Alex Kirk, Bob Saget will perform at Miller Theater on November 11th, just for you! Other tipsters say that the performance will be for students only, meaning you might actually get a seat at this one. The cost (if any) of tickets has […]
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Ever since the first wave of H1N1 cases and confusion erupted several weeks ago, Bwog’s Eager Epidemic Investigators have been collecting stories of how individual and institution alike are coping with the crisis. Bwog hopes this anthology will help to sooth the minds of all those who fear the unknown. Rescue Me A sophomore English […]
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Free Red Bull

Caffeine-dar Specialist Anish Bramhandkar informs us that the Red Bull car is giving out free samples across the street from Hamdel… right now! Get thee to Amsterdam or miss this opportunity for free cans of taurine.  Image via Wikipedia Commons. 
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Crossing the threshold of the shiny, renovated Community Food and Juice, Bwog was in good company – at least a dozen other enthusiasts arrived at 8am sharp this morning to witness the reawakening of a culinary giant. As the fresh morning sun fell through the high windows and we prepared to spend $20 a piece […]
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Columbia University Dance Marathon will be handing out free hot chocolate and baked goods of various sorts today on Low steps in front of Alma from 12-2pm. Apparently there will be people dancing (Dance Marathoning?) in painters suits, just to make sure you can’t miss them. 
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All of the puns regarding Governor Paterson’s push for a state soda tax have been made already, but the whole thing is still rather silly. (NY Post) Someone you might actually look up to spars with ex-girlfriend on Page 6. (NY Post) Graffiti on the High Line – juvenile rebellion or historic artifact? (City Room) […]
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Bring It On

Columbia Film has snagged another star — Bwog tipster Margaret Herman spotted Kirsten Dunst lounging on one of leather benches outside 511 Dodge.  According to Film Dept TA Chanelle Elaine, Dunst is set to star in a film directed by a Columbia faculty member.  Now that he’s got some competition, maybe James Franco won’t hide quite so conspicuously […]
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CatarACT International is offering free food at its first meeting tonight at 8.  A new organization, it seeks to “empower communities to overcome the scourge of curable blindness by helping them launch sustainable cataract reduction programs.”  Aside from helping grandmothers the world over, they promise lots of food and delicious doughnuts.  Come to EC’s second […]
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You can kiss those exorbitant ATM rates goodbye — Spicy Special connoisseur Austin Brauser reports that Crack Del is now taking credit cards with a $7 minimum.  Get your 40s and your deli meats without stopping by Lerner first.       
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Reuters reports that an Iranian court has sentenced Kian Tajbakhsh, a U.S.-Iranian scholar, to more than 12 years in prison due to alleged espionage and acts against national security.  Tajbakhsh was taken into custody in July after the disputed June election triggered mass chaos and civilian uprising in Iran.  As Reuters explains, “The verdict looked […]
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Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s meeting In one of the speediest (and most poorly attended) ESC meetings yet, council members celebrated Secretary Heidi Ahmed’s birthday, discussed PMSing (or post midterm snacking), and heard updates on the Diana.  SGA liaison Jessica Lewis announced that there was “lots of Diana discussion” at the last SGA meeting. […]
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Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024
Thank god you found her again. If you hadn't we'd be totally defenseless against the angels (read more)
O Asuka, My Asuka: An Appreciation Letter To The Columbia Community
September 25, 2024

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