A statement sent out by Columbia cleared up some of the details of the USenate smoking ban talked about at the last meeting, stating that the smoking areas seen on the map will go into effect on July 1. Notably, one of the areas is in front of Butler, so studiers stepping outside for a breath […]
We’ve decided to pay more attention to USenate and what exactly they do, so as to be prepared for the upcoming election. They had their big plenary meeting yesterday. Senatorial summarizer Kevin Chen took notes. Les highlights: Per PrezBo, if this government shutdown goes on for more than a few weeks, the university is totally […]
As tensions flare over the controversy of the proposed campus-wide smoking ban, renegade street artists put a smoking hot twist on The Battle of Harlem Heights. See if you can spot it!
A sparse handful of senators and spectators filled the giant Jerome L. Greene lecture hall to debate the merits of the newly proposed campus-wide smoking ban. A vote on the ban might take place at this Friday’s full Senate meeting. Bwog dutifully sent our Tobacco Bureau Chief to bring you unfiltered coverage. With participants and […]
Today from 1:15 to 2:39 pm, our own University Senate met in Schermerhorn 501 for the first plenary meeting of the year. As with any such plenary, there were big helpings of Milano cookies, Newman’s Own juices, and petty behavior. Bwog’s plenary junkie Conor Skelding stopped by both for the laughs, and also to observe serious […]
In an email sent to students this afternoon, Chief Operating Officer Greg Brown announced that “Barnard College will be a smoke-free campus effective March 21, 2011, after we return from spring break.” The change, he writes, “is the result of regular requests from various members of the College community to complete a process we started […]
A person in a group of people smoking outside Havana: I know smoking is shitty…but you should be able to do shitty things to yourself. Outside Broadway: Person 1: Hey, you have smokes? Person 2: Yeah, I unquit. Life’s too short to live any longer. People are so topical.
Grant D’Avino keeps us in the know! First, Sean Udell updated the council on the findings of the Tobacco Work Group and on the status of open housing. The Tobacco Work Group Final Report is finished and has been submitted to VP Scott Wright. However, it remains in a purgatory of sorts; there is not […]
As we speak the Tobacco Working Group, a committee of students, faculty and administrators, is presenting their recommendations and very long report [PDF] to CCSC. Briefly, the group recommends that the university establish (and actually enforce) a “consistent distance rule” delineating a radius around Morningside campus buildings where you can’t smoke. Details to come! Update […]
Satow Room Bureau Chief James Downie reports with the latest from CCSC: Without President Sue Yang in attendance, CCSC’s meeting proceeded with only a few updates of note (on the bright side, it was also done in time for most of the Oscars). First, the Elections Board discussed the progress of the elections, declaring there […]
Satow Room Bureau Chief James Downie brings you the latest from CCSC: The Freedom to Light Up: The only voting matter before the council last night was a smoking ban resolution declaring CCSC’s opposition to a campus-wide ban. The resolution, from 2011 VP Sean Udell, 2012 Class Rep Kenny Durrell and University Senator Tim Lam, […]
The latest from the world of student government: As part of the push to open more rooms for student use (after the giant disappointment that was the opening of Lerner 6), the four councils have secured space in Broadway and Schapiro for future student group use. To help determine the best use of the space, […]
Hey, remember that proposed smoking ban? The survey for that ban was originally supposed to be e-mailed to a random sampling of students on Nov. 4, but as you probably have realized by now, nobody’s received it yet. Turns out, it’s a communication thing. CCSC VP for Policy Sarah Weiss tells Bwog the council can’t […]
As academics and poseurs alike raise their lighters in revolt against the impending smoking ban, Students for Sensible Drug Policy have drafted an open letter to the Tobacco Workgroup protesting its methodology. The ban proposed by Michael McNeil and the Workgroup would outlaw smoking within Columbia’s property, even extending its reach to the surrounding sidewalks. […]
Next week the student councils will be sending a survey out to the student body, to gather opinion on the proposed campus smoking ban. To provide a little background, tonight we present senior editor Adam Kuerbitz’s feature on the ban, from the new issue of the Blue and White. The cigarette break has changed drastically […]
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