The Pass/D/Fail option for students in Columbia College, the School of General Studies, and the School of Engineering have been extended for the Spring 2021 semester.
Here at Bwog, we do our best to bring your attention to important guest lecturers and special events on campus. If you notice any events excluded from our calendar or have a correction, let us know in the comments or email Check out Bwog’s event’s calendar, which will attempt to compile every campus event […]
Happening in the World: Disha Ravi, a climate activist in India, has been arrested for sharing a “toolkit” that guides activists on how they can protest and support protestors. Delhi Police confirmed her arrest in a tweet on Sunday, reporting that she was accused of helping create and spread the document (CNN). Happening in the […]
This week, SGA Rep Council heard from Barnard Trustees Jyoti Menon BC ‘01 and Marcia Lynn Sells BC ‘81 P ‘23 about the work they do on the Board of Trustees.
Single for the summer? In a complicated situation? Happily cuffed? Yearning and/or pining? Bwog doesn’t discriminate! Find your perfect V-Day soundtrack below, and (try to) enjoy these unprecedented times.
To the aimless, the confused, and the curious — here’s *almost* everything you need to know about being a history major as a part of Bwog’s ongoing plot to demystify every department in this University.
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Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025Do You Want To Be Columbia’s Next Top Grand Integrator?
March 13, 2025A Review Of Upside Pizza
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