This week’s agenda included a GSSCxDeans Town Hall update, a Senior Facebook Group announcement, and more MetroCards for midterms.
Didn’t get the Senior Scramble matches you were expecting? You weren’t the only one, and there may be a reason for that. Bwog has received numerous reports from seniors that they believe the Senior Scramble algorithm did not work correctly, and that they did not receive as many matches as they should have. For the […]
For those of our readers who are underclassmen, tonight is 40s on 40, a chance for seniors to drink excessive amounts of light beer on Low Steps forty days (sort of) before graduation. It’s actually 40 days until Columbia College Class Day (if you consider the 40 days to start after midnight), but whatever. According […]
A suite of EC residents awoke on Thursday after 40s on 40 to find that a rude party pooper had entered their suite, defecated in their dishwasher, and vomited in their bathroom. We spoke to Jac Kovarik, one of the residents of the affected suite, about what went down. She said the defecator must have entered […]
Earlier today, we received a question from an anonymous tipster about the Senior Scramble results, which supposedly came out today. The email said: “i got a senior scramble match do i email them back? wink at them over a 40? plz advize” Well, tipster, we can assure you that you’re not alone in wondering how […]
Last night the class of 2015 stormed low steps and celebrated 40 days until graduation with 40s! The excitement was high. The squeals and shouts could be heard far and wide. The Colt 45 was deserved. Congrats to the class of 2015 on ringing in the final countdown drunk af!
Once again Bwog is here to help you begin your weekend celebrations. We have a feeling some of you seniors might have some leftover beer from certain festivities last night, so here are some very simple options of what to do with it: Brass Monkey: 1 part orange juice 2 parts malt liquor The Monkey […]
Some say 40 is the beginning of the end, but for CU seniors, it is only the beginning. Here begin the last 40 days ’til graduation, ceremoniously inaugurated last night on Low: Cue Bwog’s preliminary college bucket list, a guide to some the things some of us want to do before we put on our growing-up hat. […]
Stepping Down: Cathie Black, to be replaced as New York City Schools Chancellor by Dennis Walcott. (NYT) Getting Down: The New Yorkers attending a crazy concert on the Intrepid late this summer. Of course, Columbians have been there, done that. (Gothamist) Shot Down: The rationale for using “No day shall erase you from the memory of […]
About 125 seniors gathered on Low around noon today to honor the time-honored tradition of sippin’ 40s on the Steps forty days before graduation. Public Safety was there in spades, kicking seniors off who didnt have their beer concealed, including those who had their beer in Nalgenes or other clear containers. Seniors with beer in […]
Bwog has just gotten word from the CC, SEAS, BC and GS senior class councils that 40s on 40 will not held be this year. The primary reason, according to class council presidents? Cost: $20,000 for an event that “many seniors in years past had not enjoyed.” Instead of 40s on 40, the class councils […]
For several weeks, whispers have reached our ears of a true 40s celebration, one that does not require being treated like a three year-old McDonald’s customer to enjoy. Now, a dispatch has reached us from a shadowy group known only as the “Senior Underground”: “Attention Seniors!!! Don’t let Columbia stop you from having fun. Because, […]
Hey, ’09! Don’t forget that today (as in “right now”), your new and improved 40s on 40 will be on the steps. It’s called “Senior Playpen,” a subtle way of reminding you that Columbia still thinks you’re eight years old. So go celebrate your last few weeks of being a quasi-child by getting crazy in what is literally a […]
Late-breaking news out of Satow tonight, as SEAS ’09 president Kim Manis announced at the ESC weekly meeting that 40s on 40 could be replaced with a senior barbeque. Details will not be finalized until another meeting between adminstrators and students tomorrow night, but Manis reported that “although details are still being worked out, alcohol […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025