In these trying times, Bwog will always continue with the Wednesday tradition of animal-themed Bwoglines.
Starting tomorrow, Port Authority Bridge tolls will cost drivers anywhere from $11.50-$15 to cross from Jersey into New York. That’s about the price of a Sweetgreen salad. (NBC) In Russia, new tolls are also being introduced, and long-distance truckers responded in protest by blocking a large portion of road encircling Moscow. (NY Times) ‘The most […]
A goat on the loose. (Miami Herald) A squirrel on the loose. (Sioux City Journal) A chicken on the loose. (NBC News) A dead dog. (Today) And this guy. (Huffington Post) A really serious squirrel via Shutterstock
While you may recognize her name from the captions of innumerable Bwog illustrations, Louise McCune expresses her artistic appreciation of a more sensual form in her review of Orchesis’ new show. If you could only get your hands on the program, piece titles like “Bird Girl,” “Feral,” and “Late Anthropocene” should give you a clue […]
Ivy League schools are under fire for animal abuse in their laboratories. Try to treat the subject of your next dissection with a little more kindness, k? (SFGate) Working Muppets of All Countries, Unite! (Slate) Thanks to some mice, we’re one step closer to developing a vaccine against the Ebola virus. NYPD officers are in hot […]
This morning Libyan forces claim to have captured Muammar Gaddafi, who was hiding in a hole. (BBC) Update 12:15 pm: Some are reporting Gaddafi dead. According to an ancient Greek manuscript dating back to 100 AD, wrestling is the oldest sport. The text was presented to the Columbia Rare Books and Manuscripts library on Tuesday, and will be the central text in next […]
Barnard has announced the theme for its 22nd Annual Medieval and Renaissance Conference, which will take place December 4th. It is titled “Animals and Humans in the Culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance” and claims to provide “an interdisciplinary conference exploring the many ways in which the human-animal connection and divide was imagined, employed, […]
Crafty squirrel outside of Carman, preparing to consume a juicy tomato. You can look, but don’t touch!
And I’m not eating until Columbia changes the names engraved on Butler Library! Meetings with Professor Philip Kitcher and the Committee on CC vs. not eating. Yup, similar tactics. There are people starving in Africa who aren’t getting so much media coverage. In case you’re not hunger-striking… Animal house!
Bwog was passing by the Barnard gates when something caught our eye. A baby squirrel tumbled off of the top of the gate and onto the pavement. Two security guards rushed over and picked up the little guy. His nose was bleeding and he seemed to be in shock. Efforts were made to put him […]
The greatest narratives involve the pursuit of the unattainable. While Captain Ahab had Moby Dick, Bwog daily editor David Iscoe has a more humble aim: Befriend the turkey that lives in Morningside Park. Here, he recounts his foray into the wild. “Hey, what kind of bird is that?” A man pushing a hand-truck down […]
Everybody is talking about animals now, according to three separate things that three separate people said. IT IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE THAT THREE OF ANYTHING MAKES A TREND! First, a pair of professors: “Sex with animals…it doesn’t seem like something we might do today. But in a rural world, it does happen!” – Professor Alfred MacAdam, […]
First-year Neha Shende killed in car crash. R. I. P. Edwards one block away from Columbia (satisfied, commenters?), uses MLK Day event to rip Bush, cynicism 15 GS students attend gay outreach party; few are gay CTV’s Gates retools: copies 80s, Spanish telenovelas… and wins lots of money Your dog doesn’t love you, but […]
‘Primordial Ooze’ Blessed by Church, and Reindeer; Bwog, However, Wants to Know Where Bwog Can Buy Its Very Own Screeching Piglet University Administrators, Luminaries, Quip, Joke, Tease Their Way into Trustee Pocketbooks “It’s Easy to Blame That Man-Slut For Fucking You Over” Columbia Lends Hand to Estonia, Spec Opinion Hopes Estonia Will Lend Hand Back. […]
In animal cruelty, actually. The eminently reasonable, not-shrill-at-all People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has ranked the Worst 10 College Laboratories, and Columbia comes in 10th, behind places like Harvard and Johns Hopkins (well, we beat Yale). At least the Columbia monkeys have people on their side, (watch out for the ominous voice of […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
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