CCSC met for the first time in full last night and the wrap-up is brought to you by our cardinal CCSC correspondent, Joe Milholland. Sunday night’s Columbia College Student Council meeting was the first with the Class of 2018 and the Sandwich Ambassador, so President Peter Bailinson asked all members to introduce themselves and say […]
Along with the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of Hawaii, Columbia University was issued a Request for Proposal by the Barack Obama Foundation earlier today, placing us in the running for Obama’s Presidential Library. Due on December 11, this requires that Columbia “submit a formal proposal that includes detail […]
1,000,000—Dollar amount of the reward offered for ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner. All turn to dust again. (USA Today) 34,000—Troops Obama promised, during his State of the Union address, to bring home from Afghanistan in the next year. (NY Times) 24—Hours it takes a sea slug to regrow its detachable penis. (BBC) 16—Papal wardrobe malfunctions. Janet Jackson would be proud. (Buzzfeed) 5—Reasons given for disliking Valentine’s […]
Last night, campus political groups the Columbia Political Union, CU College Republicans, CU Dems, and the Roosevelt Institute hosted a live screening (with free pizza!) of the first Presidential Debate being held at the University of Denver, Colorado. Bwog’s Debate Devotee Maren Killackey watched intently as America’s favorite presidential candidates went at it. The air […]
According to an email just sent out by Dean Shollenberger and his GS counterpart, all graduating seniors in CC, SEAS, and GS will be able to enter the lottery for tickets to Barnard’s Commencement ceremony (the one with the President speaking)—which was previously open only to Barnard students. The full email, with the most important […]
We were going to launch a campaign to round up all you summer readers and bring this urgent question to the President’s attention. Then the heat got the better of us or something, but it’s the thought that counts right?
Approaching its $4 Billion capital campaign goal, Columbia is raking in the dough (Spec). Learn to bike like a champ. The cycling master who taught Joseph Gordon-Levitt to barrel down Broadway demonstrates how to “be a fish in the coral.” (City Room). Obama hits the road. (NYTimes) Way back when on October 18th, the United […]
Columbia College 2011 President Sean Udell and Vice President Alexandra Coromilas have founded the CUPOTUS Project. As you might guess, its goal is to secure President Barack Obama CC ’83 as speaker for university-wide Commencement. But wait! Before you shake your heads and dismiss it as a pipe dream, listen up–their strategy is different. In […]
People taking cars that don’t belong to them. (NY Daily News) People taking children that don’t belong to them. (Yahoo! News) Strange people doing strange things. (Gothamist) “Jobs and industries of tomorrow taking root beyond our borders.” (NYT) Colors you’ve never heard of before. (Jezebel) Reality stars who just won’t go away. (Entertainment Weekly) Columbia […]
Barack Obama CC ’83 accepts the Nobel Peace Prize, tells the “hard truth” about war, annoys the entire population of Norway, departs with lingonberry jam and a bag of frozen Swedish meatballs; all in a day’s work. Florida judges and lawyers shouldn’t be Facebook friends; courtroom attorneys are, of course, always entitled to “Like” the verdict. […]
The October issue of the Columbia Political Review is out. The tongues of former commies and renegade colonists are back in style, Young idealists are still hopping on the bandwagon, Barack Obama spreads hope and change, San Francisco finally puts its money where its (progressive) mouth is, and Conservatives pretend its 1773.
President Barack Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize, basically for existing. (Times) Harvard students lose the “right” to a hot breakfast. (Times) Harlem braces for trouble with getting an accurate census. (Spec) NASA “slams” two probes into the moon to look for hidden ice. No launch date yet for the follow-up mission, which will look for “hidden cheese.” […]
Sometimes you just have to call it quits, pull up stakes, and head home to greener pastures. A number of people are doing just that this weekend, and Bwoglines brings you their stories. You know you must not be wanted when even Gov. David Paterson is worried you’ll make him unpopular. (Gothamist) Speaking of the […]
– An eager crowd awaits the band’s entrance If you missed Orgo Night, fret not – the show was recorded and will be available tomorrow on CUMB’s blog. Now, the Bwog review: After entering to the usual “Roar Lion Roar,” the Columbia University Marching Band noted that, due to the recession, this year’s show would […]
Loyalty is not something ingrained in students at this spirit-deprived school. Even with all the excitement, we knew deep inside that Barack Obama (CC ’83, now some kind of important person) would never speak at Class Day. After all, what with saving the world, how could he possibly have time to visit his Alma Mater? […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025