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Posts Tagged with "jersey shore"
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Vinny Vidi Vici

Watching Jersey Shore can make you feel like a sociologist studying a foreign world of super tan “juiced” fist-pumpers. Professor Diane Vaughn’s Mistake, Misconduct and Disaster class got to observe the subject up close when one of the show’s stars, Vinny, stopped by earlier today (better or worse than Natalie Portman?). Unfortunately he didn’t talk about […]

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Some New Yawkas are learning to tawk with a less distinctive regional accent. (NY Times) The Pope says condoms are OK for male prostitutes. (NPR) Luckily, the Post has the “inside story of the turkeys set to be pardoned by the president.” Two of the Ben-Franklin-promoted birds “will live the life of luxury” while their […]

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It’s finally time to buy an apartment in Manhattan! (NY Mag) MTV is letting people like you choose where to send season 2 of Jersey Shore. Giants Stadium is being demolished. (Daily News) Strippers (including an NYU student) pick the Saints to win the Super Bowl. (Post)

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People taking cars that don’t belong to them. (NY Daily News) People taking children that don’t belong to them. (Yahoo! News) Strange people doing strange things. (Gothamist) “Jobs and industries of tomorrow taking root beyond our borders.” (NYT) Colors you’ve never heard of before. (Jezebel) Reality stars who just won’t go away. (Entertainment Weekly) Columbia […]

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Buy the Miracle on the Hudson, sort of. (City Room) Bye, Conan! (Daily Intel) Rejoice: the Z train will be spared by the M.T.A. (NY Times) 4.8 million people watched the Jersey Shore finale. O hai, season 2! (The Vulture)

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