And oh what a rollicking weekend it was. There was definitely something in the air this week as people everywhere went hog wild and got up to some serious hoodrat shit. Ah yes, nightlife Last Lerner Pub of the semester was last night; pretty empty but not Senior-Night-at-Pourhouse status. Plus it was nice not having to […]
“Hey man it’s crazy, don’t come here, the cops are checking IDs in 1020 210!” Around 12:35 am, as Butler emptied out for one of the last nights of acceptable drinking before finals, two men in semi-police-officer uniforms entered Butler 210 and beelined to the far side of the room, where a few tired souls […]
Midterms rage? Roar/whatever sound the hulk makes
Bitches are going crazy with exams already, as this board found in 719 Hamilton indicates. Words aren’t deep enough.
Bwog just received an awful tip on this once-innocent Tuesday evening: a resident of John Jay has had their pet fish stolen. The abducted animal is a dark red beta fish who goes by the name of Fishy. Tipster Chelsea G, who lives on John Jay 6, appealed to Bwog for help in finding her […]
If you think Frontiers of Science is a boring, useless class, think again—the Core’s most infamous class went wild today. According to our reports, the first class of the physics unit was running a bit late when the lights went out. When they came back on, professor Emlyn Hughes was in the spotlight. Then Snoop […]
Yesterday Bwog reported on the beginnings of an insurrection in John Jay over an elevator which has been under emergency repairs since last semester. The conflict rages on with today’s new communiqué from the field:
One of John Jay’s elevators has been undergoing emergency repair since the beginning of the semester. The oppressed and alienated residents of the 15-story building now have to make a choice: to arduously wait in line for up to 20 minutes or to scale the building’s interminable stairs. Enraged, the John Jayites are rising against […]
This survival journal has been discovered in a dorm lounge, reminding us of the apocalyptic nature of this specific finals season. Despite losing our collective mind over (what is, essentially) this silliness of tests, it is comforting to see mention of other humans in this note, so at least the writer is not alone and […]
The “bitches going crazy” tag has gotten a lot of action over the past week, proving that people are indeed losing their shit (as usual) this finals season. Common complaints have included people sleeping at their tables for hours on end, watching Netflix for hours on end, eating really pungent foods at their tables, and […]
Orgo Night began as a usual night in Butler: as a mass of people intently studying in 209. Nearly all desks were full as the stress of exams bubbled in everyone’s heads. As the crowds started to walk in, three different looks popped on people’s faces. Some looked up from their books, faces lit with […]
With all the controversy the CUMB has been stirring up in the past few hours, you’d be a fool to miss Orgo Night. You’d also be a fool to give up your hard-won Butler seat, though, and to stuff your way into a crowd of desperate, tired people. Below, the best of both worlds: a […]
We all hate Butler campers — and we all are Butler campers. One brave bitch going crazy, though, has had enough with the vicious cycle and the abandoned backpacks. Don’t be scared by the latent rage present, though; the heart at the end means that they really do like you, don’t worry, and they’re not […]
Two girls were seen plundering Morton Williams of its supply of Pellegrino sparkling water bottles—but they had one of those tubs you use to move your entire amount of possessions into your room in the fall. Maybe they had just gotten out of a two-seat Lambo and were really thirsty…?
Update, 12:48 am: And apparently all of you in Butler are busy procrastinating by confessing your crushes on this Tumblr… Finals cometh and with that Butler is completely full. After doing the rounds for a half hour, Bwog has determined that, as oft happens this magical time of year, there are no more open seats. Go […]
Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
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