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Posts Tagged with "bureaucracy"

After last Friday’s showdown in the Vag’s Ovum Oval, the Barnard Administration has come up with a Plan to solve all Plans – one that is unlikely to deteriorate into another chaotic war over microphones. The admins have turned to bureaucracy’s all time favorite problem-solving strategy: it’s time to form a committee! The Meal Plan […]

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The Strong Beautiful Barnard Woman is questioned and found wanting. Real college life ≠ TV “college life”. Shocker. Filth in the kitchen is bad. Bureaucracy is worse. No, we do not need a travel guide to find our way out of Morningside.

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The USenate committee confidentiality proposal will be debated this Friday.  PrezBo will weigh in. The city hates your metal gates.  Except those like the ones over dorm windows. Xavier Sala-i-Martin does not have a tailor in the US.  Nor can you buy his jackets. Surprise! Cab drivers don’t care about bicyclists. More evidence in the […]

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Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s meeting. Perhaps inspired by Nixon’s success, the Senate, according to Senator Rajat Roy, plans to keep all committee records secret for fifty years. The only records that would remain public would be plenary meeting information, and all information from the budget, IT, external affairs, Manhattanville, and other committees would […]

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Sean Zimmerman reports. The Engineering Student Council held its inaugural meeting with the new, almost-uncontested freshman class council, as well as new University Senator Cherie Meyer.  Bathabile Mthombeni from Columbia’s Ombuds Office opened the meeting. Baffled readers might ponder what branch of Columbia’s bureaucratic web the “Office” represents — perhaps another dubiously named den of […]

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That’s probably because everyone loves bikes – you’d be hard pressed to find a cooler eco-friendly, transportation-providing accessory. Turns out the Upper West Side loves bikes, too. After receiving an anonymous tip, Bwog’s detective squad found a new reason for excitement for local bike enthusiasts – Community Board 7 has officially approved the Dept. of […]

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In its continued efforts to apologize for being white and western, Columbia has appointed another bureaucrat you’ll never actually meet: Dean Shollenberger just announced that Theresa Martinez will serve as the new Dean of Community Development and Multicultural Affairs.  Shollenberger explains that “students expressed a need for greater coordination of services that support co-curricular life […]

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Residents of the LLC (and Furnald), rejoice!  CUIT has just authorized a test program that allows you to do what you’ve already been doing. According to an email sent today by Kathryn Engelhardt, Systems Engineer Manager, the pilot program will allow students in Furnald, Hartley, and Wallach to connect their wireless routers to the University […]

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   Image via The CU Bartending Agency doesn’t seem to be running as smoothly as its sister operation across the street.  Gender (and web-design skill) differences aside, the concept is the same, but now a message on CU Bartending’s homepage alerts “Valued Columbia Bartending Agency Clients” that the agency continues to be “unable to […]

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The Blue and White’s February/March issue is now online! From the issue: Columbia and internet start-ups: two tastes that don’t go well together. Remember, Hitch did go to Columbia… Memories of far-flung homes, including Jack Daniel’s in Tennessee and guns in San Antonio. If only bureaucrats liked the idea of going undercover… And: a church without […]

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 – Columbia University   The Sunday CCSC meeting effectively consisted of one item, and one item only: questioning Senior Executive Vice President Robert Kasdin, Kasdin, who has been described to Bwog by council members as “the man holding the purse strings” and “the damage control guy,” has been PrezBo’s right-hand man going back to Michigan. […]

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Yesterday, we noted that the 2008-09 housing cutoffs remained unposted, and shared our skepticism that they’d be up in time for the start of registration tomorrow. Credit where credit is due, though: Housing called our bluff, and the housing cutoffs are now posted.  As for what the numbers say: Broadway exterior singles and Ruggles were […]

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Housing Lottery registration is only two days away, and yet, as several commenters and tipsters have noted, 2008-09 cutoff histories still have not been uploaded to Housing’s website. What gives? Bwog phoned Housing and Dining, and was told to check the website “in the next few days.” Then again, the lottery bulletin board has had […]

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In July, Columbia said goodbye to longtime Dean of Student Affairs Chris Colombo. Now, Kevin Shollenberger has been appointed as his replacement as Dean of Student Affairs. Shollenberger had been serving as interim dean since Colombo left. Before becoming dean, Shollenberger was Associate Dean of Student Affairs for nine years. He is best known among […]

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Students subject to Dean’s Discpline to be treated like sex offenders The awesomely-named Serene Jones, a Yale Divinity School prof, will be taking over UTS Columbia really wants to offer a new financial aid package to compete with the likes of Harvard and Stanford, but gently reminds us that it is much, much poorer than […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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