Last night, Bwog was tipped about an incident that occurred in one of the Butler study rooms. It seems as if a freshman Snapchat enthusiast happened to look out of their dorm window and document a particularly interesting scene through the windows of the library. Now, we know what you’re thinking – “But Bwog, everything that happens in […]
We’ve been receiving several tips over the last week or two about a possible “Columbia/Barnard Tinder” site, Spark@CU, so we decided to investigate. Some of you may have received emails from Spark@CU similar to those sent out by DateMySchool last year, such as this one: Subject line: Spark@CU Hey there! We have exciting news for you. […]
Some nights, Butler goggles just don’t cut it. Certain Butler 209 residents have declared a moratorium on “butt-ugly” boys, relegating them to the infamous Butler 4th floor. To the aesthetically-challenged, consider yourself warned. Bwog suggests that those deprived of Butler eye candy just get out of Butler and ask someone on a date!
Found in the African Studies Reading Room on Butler 6. Looks like the War on Fun is still alive and well…
Five years ago, in The Blue & White, Chris Beam, CC ’06, answered all the questions anyone has ever had, past present and future, about Butler Sex. It remains one of the great masterpieces of our time. If you don’t know, now you know. When it comes to self-aggrandizing myths, Columbia rivals the Greeks. The […]
Bwog received this text message from a visiting friend: “Whats the part of your library where people have sex?”
From the “Not Again” Department: Bored@Butler has internal competition. For those of you holed up in Purgatory Butler last week for midterms, Bwog’d bet that you saved a tab in your browser for Bored@Butler ( The site is an anonymous message board for Columbia students stuck in the library to post their thoughts. According to […]
Every once in a while, we feel the need to draw your attention to a piece that carries eternal resonance. You may have read Blue and White alum Chris Beam’s piece before, it may be new, but it’s getting around to Butler season, and we can always use a little reminder that the library can […]
In which Bwog staffer Mark Krotov familiarizes us with the nooks and crannies at Columbia best suited for getting it on. Wearing Butler Goggles When sitting in Butler for eight hours straight has yielded little progress aside from two annotated pages of Confessions and seventeen updates to your Facebook profile, head outside where, chances are, […]
The Met and the Frick may be stimulating, but for some real deviance, Bwog recommends the Museum of Sex, a 2002 addition to New York City’s artistic firmament. One tipster recommends that visitors not miss the Sex Across America electronic exhibition, which features listings of visitor-submitted stories of various sexual encounters, sorted geographically Mapquest-style. Columbia […]
Not to be outdone by Blue and White writer Christopher Beam’s guide, the Butler Reserves Desk has posted its own Definitive Guide to Butler Sex in room 209. Maybe CLIO can help us find the clitoris.
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
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March 6, 2025