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Posts Tagged with "butler smokers should switch to cigars"

A sparse handful of senators and spectators filled the giant Jerome L. Greene lecture hall to debate the merits of the newly proposed campus-wide smoking ban. A vote on the ban might take place at this Friday’s full Senate meeting. Bwog dutifully sent our Tobacco Bureau Chief to bring you unfiltered coverage. With participants and […]

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A New Culture War

Bill O’Reilly can have his war on Christmas, but here at Columbia a long-smoldering war has been newly stoked—the war on smoking. For millennia, men, and then most recently women, had lounged inside the confines of Butler Library relaxedly puffing away towards a state of greater tasty tobacco-scented peacefulness and pseudo-philosophical coolness. First they kicked […]

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Primal Scream Redux

Gallant procrastinators, clashing in epic, fluffy battle, stormed across the Butler median last night. The annual Sundial v. Butler bash had a more dubious commencement than usual because of the unclear Facebook event start time. A handful of freshmen began fighting around 11:30, but then quickly left––their school spirit forever tarnished… Thus, one can conclude, […]

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Perfectly Rolled

…we’re talking about cigars, silly! Bwog found a flyer for the Columbia University Cigar Society in Dodge the other day. Though their website doesn’t appear to have been updated for several years, Bwog is hopeful. If you know anything about this society of stogie enthusiasts, let us know in the comments!

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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